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Vocabulary (10 points) Unit 1 A 1. Lawyers __________ such high fees, but they never seem to be short of clients. charge 2. It’s a matter of __________ that male businesspeople usually wear suits on formal occasions. convention 3. These people are very __________, very organized and excellent time managers. efficient 4. Julian says he hopes to get a job and find a way to _________a college education. obtain 5. Having studied business at college and knowing two foreign languages, my secretary is perfectly __________ for her job. competent 6.The leading economists of the country have been _________ the influence of the current crisis upon its economy. assessing 7.The general public did not have confidence that the government would be able to _________ this difficult job. fulfill 8.The company is ___________ a survey to find out local reaction to their recently promoted product. conducting 9. The rain was very heavy and ____________ the land was flooded. consequently 10. The discovery of the oilfield is of great ____________ to the economy in this region. significance Unit 1 B 1. In this section, we’ll provide some important tips on how to better_________ the technologies available for distance education. utilize 2. People are free to accept or _________ what the government says of the facts. reject 3. The city suffered ___________ damage as a result of the recent earthquake, so the government would have to spend a lot of money to rebuild it. considerable 4. Because of damage to their homes, many people had to stay in __________ housing for few months. temporary 5. The argument was settled in a way that was __________ to both sides. acceptable 6. Illness and age have changed the once well-know actress beyond __________. recognition 7. You cannot cure a common cold, but you can ________the symptoms. alleviate 8. I would __________ it if you could turn down your radio a little bit. appreciate 9. To be honest, the Internet isn’t meant for kids, and, __________,i


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