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Passage1(共4句)1. Among his first efforts in this area was “Tommy Tucker’s Tooth” (1922), a short combining live action and animation made on assignment for a local dentist.他在这个领域的第一个成就是“汤米塔克的牙”(1922),一部结合了生动动作和动画,描述给当地医生任务的短剧。2. A 1945 Look magazine article, titled “Walt Disney: Teacher of Tomorrow,” described Disney as “revolutionizing an educational system” and cited how the Donald Duck short “The New Spirit,” made for the United States Treasury Department, affected 37 percent of Americans regarding their willingness to pay taxes1945年,瞭望杂志一篇标题为“沃特迪斯尼:老师的明天”的文章,把迪斯尼描述为“改革一个教育体系”,并且引用美国财政部是如何用唐老鸭短剧“新的精神”来影响37%的美国人交税的意愿。3. This film contributed to Disney’s being presented with an award of merit, for his contribution to public safety, by the Automobile Club of Southern California.因为迪斯尼对于公共安全的贡献,南加利福尼亚汽车俱乐部给予迪斯尼功绩的奖赏。4. I’m not an educator. My primary purpose is to entertain – though if people want to read education into my work, that’s fine with me.尽管他的一些作品中体现一些教育意义,但他很快指出“我不是教育家,我的主要目的是娱乐,但如果人们想要从我的工作中受到教育,我也乐于接受”。Passage 2(共3句)1. Diffusion is the process by which molecules or ions scatter or spread from regions where they are in higher concentrations towards regions where they are in lower concentrations.扩散是分子或离子从高浓度区域分散或散布至低浓度区域的过程。2. Such motion is haphazard, but it accounts for the mixing of molecules that commonly occurs when different kinds of substances are put together.这种运动是无规则的,但它解释了将不同种类的物质放在一起时,通常会发生分子的混合的原因。3. Osmosis is a special kind of diffusion. It occurs whenever water molecules diffuse from a region of higher concentration through a selectively permeable membrane,such as a cell membrane.渗透是一种特殊的扩散。当水分子从高浓度区域通过选择性渗透膜(如细胞膜)扩散时即为渗透。Passage3(共2句)1. One of the problems of watching weather forecasts on TV is that by the time they have reached your region, you have tuned out and missed the vital information you have been waiting for. But it is not a problem in the United States because they have a weather channel devoted entirely to weather. Set up in 1982,



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