自动控制(automatic control) 毕业论文文献翻译 中英文对照精选.docx

自动控制(automatic control) 毕业论文文献翻译 中英文对照精选.docx

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自动控制(automatic control) 毕业论文文献翻译 中英文对照精选

Aut oma t i c cont r ol ( aut oma t i c cont r ol ) r ef er s t o t he di rectpar t i c i pat i on of peopl e i n t he abs ence of c i r cums t ances , t he us eofaddi t i onal equi pme nt or devi ces , ma chi ner y , equi pme nt or pr oduct ionpr oces s es of a j ob s t a t us or par a me t er s t o aut oma t i cal l y r un i n accordancewi t h t he l awbook.Aut oma t i c cont r ol i s a r e l a t i ve concept i n t er ms of ma nual cont r ol.Re f er s t o t he par t i c i pat i on of peopl e i n no c i r cums t ances , t he us eofcont r ol devi ces s o t hat t he obj ect or pr oces s t o aut oma t i cal l y runaccor di ng t o t he l aw book. Aut oma t i c cont r ol t echnol ogy i s conduci ve tohumanfromthecomplex,dangerous,tedi ous work out of the envi ronmentand gr eat l y enhance t he l i ber a t i on of cont r ol ef f i c i ency. Aut oma t iccont r ol i s a br anch of engi neer i ng s c i ence. I t i nvol ves t he pr i nci pl eoft he us e of f eedback on t he i mpa ct of dyna mi c s ys t em of aut oma t i c , s o thatt he out putval ue near t he val ue we wa nt . Fr om a me t hodol ogi cal poi nt ofview, its math is basedon systems theory. Today, we are known as theaut oma t i c cont r ol of t he mi d- t we nt i et h cent ur y cr eat ed a br anch of cont rolt heor y . The basic concl us i on i s t hat by Nor ber t , put f or wa r d by RudolfKa l man.For exa mpl e : t he r egul a t i on of i nt er i or t e mpe r a t ur e of t he i nt er iortemperatureregulationisaneasy-to-understandexamples. Thepurposeist o ma i nt a i n t he i nt er i or t e mpe r a t ur e a t a f i xed val ue of θ , even thoughf act or s s uch a s t he wi ndow ma kes t he i nt er i or heat out door s ( i nt er f erenced).Tothisend,theheatingmustbeappropriateimpact.Throughthevalveadjustment,thetemperaturewill remain constant. In addi tion, people


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