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苹果酒生产工艺 The apple is one kind includes the rich nutrient content fruits, includes 17 kind of amino acids, 10 kind of Vitamins, many kinds of trace elements. The cider principal constituent besides includes the few ethyl alcohols, but also includes the main nutrient content, like each kind of amino acid, organic acid and to human body very beneficial inorganic mineral substance and so on. Therefore often drinks the cider, not only supplements, but also prevent the obesity. Therefore the use rich apple resources process the production apple cider, not only whet the appetite, diet supplements, but also prevent the obesity. Therefore the use rich apple resources process the production cider, not only create the good economic efficiency, but also bring the social efficiency which is on good terms, has the broad development prospect. Apples, through the production procedures of clean, grinding, extracting, fermentation, clarification, blending and filtration etc., was made into dry cider with alcohol content as 11 %v/v. And the orthogonal experiment indicated that the optimal fermentation conditions as follows: 0.05 % inoculation a mount, fermentation pH as 3.5, fermentation temperature at 25 ℃, and 12 d fermentation time. In fermentation 4 ℃ after a post, the produced cider was light yellow green in color and transparent and had favorable taste and abundant nutrition. Key words: cider; production technology; elarify; fermentatition; orthogonal experiment 第一章 前 言 我国是世界上盛产苹果的国家之一,苹果品种多、产量大、资源丰富,人称“水果王”。苹果中含有多种营养成分,但是目前其消费主要是鲜食为主,约占总数的85%,且已经形成了生产过剩、效益下降、卖果难的局面,因此苹果酒开发应运而生。苹果酒中不仅含有原来苹果中的大量营养物质,而且产生大量其它营养成分,且口味柔和,兼有苹果的风味,是一种老少皆宜的饮品,成为苹果深加工产业中的宠儿。 1 .1苹果酒的历史 虽然英国最早的苹果园是由罗马人建立的,但是直至诺曼征服时期,才有了苹果酿造的历史记载。 诺曼征服之后,英格兰寺院中开始有了关于苹果酒的确切记载。在肯特郡、萨默塞特和汉普郡等这些主要的苹果种植区,多数庄园有自己的压榨设备,并且能够酿制出自己的苹果酒。寺院还定期向公众出售他们的产品。在公元1367年Sussce的记录中,就有3吨苹果酒卖55先令的史料。 中世纪时期,在肯特郡苹果酒的酿制已经成为一个很重要的行业。亨利二世在位时,肯特郡的酿酒作坊就因为生产的加香苹果酒而承名遐迩。 从17世纪起,人们开始注意制酒用苹果的品种和酒的质量。1645年,Samuel Hartlib在他的《农业教



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