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奥巴马2011年10月26号在科罗拉多大学丹佛分校演讲时说,自己和太太米歇尔当年读法学院时一共借贷了12万美元,后来他们用了近10年的时间才还清。奥巴马说,接受大学教育从未如此重要,但也从未如此昂贵。他说自己计划帮助的不是个人,而是整个国家,因为有了这项计划,大学毕业生将可以把更多的钱花在买房等其他事情上。College Affordability别让教育成为奢侈品,很显然,美国总统奥巴马今年能否连任都把赌注压在了学生的贷款计划上,奥巴马试图推行学生贷款低利率来取悦美国学生以及有学生的家庭,一箭双雕,不是么?下文是奥巴马在科罗拉多大学丹佛分校上的英语演讲稿。 Remarks by the President on College Affordability Auraria Events Center University of Colorado - Denver Campus 科罗拉多大学丹佛分校 Denver, Colorado 英语演讲稿文本: THE PRESIDENT: Thank you! Well, it is great to be back in Colorado. (Applause.) And it is great to be here at CU Denver. (Applause.) I tend to have some pretty good memories about Denver. (Applause.) We had a little gathering here a few years ago, at Mile High. (Applause.) So coming here gets me fired up. Even when its snowing outside, Im fired up. (Applause.) I dont know where else you can go sledding in Halloween. (Laughter.) Its like, whats up with the snow this soon? I mean, is this actually late? This is late for Denver, huh? I want to start by thanking Mahala for the wonderful introduction and for sharing her story, which I know resonates with a lot of young people here. I want to thank your outstanding Governor, whos here -- John Hickenlooper is in the house. (Applause.) There he is. The Mayor of Denver, Michael Hancock, is in the house. (Applause.) The Lieutenant Governor, Joe Garcia, is in the house. (Applause.) And one of the finest public servants, somebody you were wise enough to elect and then reelect as United States Senator -- Michael Bennet is in the house. You guys do a good job when it comes to elected officials in Colorado, I just want you to know. (Applause.) You have a good eye for talent. AUDIENCE MEMBER: We love you! THE PRESIDENT: I love you back. I do. (Applause.) Now, I’ve been doing a lot of traveling lately. And the reason I’ve been hitting the road so much is because the folks I’m talking to in cities and small towns and communities all across America, theyre -- lets face it, theyre making a little more sense than



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