22 Remuneration薪资福利.doc

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22 Remuneration薪资福利

22. Remuneration 薪资福利   1 Words and Phrases单词和词组   aboard加盟,入伙 welcome aboard欢迎加入   formality规定 out of the way不挡道的,不碍事的   entitlement假期 go over讨论dependent受抚养的家属 a pretty reasonable proposition很合理的建议   eligible符合条件的 not a bad trade off不错的交易   deduction减除 in the long term从长远来看   contribution缴纳 go along同意   superannuation退休金 win-win situation双赢局面   proposition建议 don’t forget to mention不要忘记提一下   sacrifice牺牲,本文指减少工资以避税 the employee morale angle雇员士气的角度   2 Sentences重点句型   1. What else needs to be done?还需要做些什么呢  2. Is it possible to be paid in cash?是否可能用现金支付呢  3. What about your Superannuation?你的退休金呢  4. You’ll get a tax deduction for them. 为此你可以减税。   5. In the long term,it’s a win-win situation. 从长远来看是一个双赢的局面。   6. Leave it with me and I’ll get back to you. 交给我吧,我会再回来找你。   7. I realise that but,it makes a lot of sense to me. 我意识到了不过这对我意义很大。   8. I’m pretty sure the Board will go along with the idea. 我很肯定董事会会同意这个计划。   9. I have this form for you to fill out about your banking details。   我有个表请你填一下,是关于你银行详细资料的。   10. You have listed the legal avenues where the scheme can apply.   你已经列出了方案可用的合法途径。   11. Of courseit’s a policy decision and will need Board approval.   当然,这是一个决策问题需要董事会的批准。   12. My wife doesn’t work and I have a daughter in Primary School.   我妻子没有工作,有个女儿在上小学。   13. It seems a pretty reasonable proposition with quite a few advantages.   看起来是很合理的建议,有好多优点。   14. The staff salary is paid into your Bank Account at the end of each month.   职员的薪水将在每月月末打入你的银行卡。   15. I presume it will include the Company’s Superannuation contribution as well.   我想到过公司会支付一部分退休金。   3 Dialogue 1   The Personnel Manager explains the salary system to a new employee.   A: Welcome aboard. As this is your first day on the job we need to get some formalities out of the way.   B: Thank you very much. What are the formalities?   A: First, I need to explain the salary arrangements with you and then we can go over the entitlements and benefits package.   B: As


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