35 Suppliers供应商.doc

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35 Suppliers供应商

35. Suppliers 供应商   1 Words and Phrases单词和词组   resolve解决 bring this to you告诉你   monitor监控,监管 get on the blower打电话   reject拒绝 bring this to my attention提请我注意   batch批 start ringing alarm bells开始拉响警钟   coding代号,代码 cut comers节省金钱(以次充好)   catalogue(产品)目录 pull a swifty投机取巧   expedite加快,加速 keep me in the loop随时汇报、通知   replacement代替品 a bit of a stuff up有点儿纰漏   apologise道歉 run on a time schedule赶时间   loop圈 sail close to the wind几乎违背(合约);冒风险   2 Sentences 重点句型   1. These aren’t the things we ordered. 这些货不是我们订的。   2. We might have to take some firm action. 我们可以采取一些强硬措施的。   3. YeahI can see the numbers don’t match. 是啊,我也发现这些代码不符。   4. What sort of problems are we looking at?我们正在关注哪些问题呢?   5. In the future thoughI’d like to be alerted. 不过希望你今后能够及时汇报。   6. They’ll go out of their way to sort this out. 他们一定会尽力解决这个问题的。   7. Is it serious or is it something that can be resolved?问题严重吗?还是可以解决的?   8. It doesn’t match with the code on these items. 和这些货的代码不符。   9. Sounds as though there’s been a bit of a stuff up. 看起来好像是有点儿纰漏。   10. A couple of our suppliers are sailing close to the wind. 有两个供应商几乎违反了合约。   11. Was it a mistake or were they trying to cut corners?他们这是失误呢还是有意以次充好?   12. I hope so,otherwise we’re going to have to go outside of the system.   希望如此,否则我们只能再找途径了。   13. I hear you’ve been having a few problems with some of our suppliers.   听说你和咱们一些供应商有点儿问题?   14. In one caseit’s a quality control problem where we rejected the delivery.   有一次是产品质量监控的问题,我们退了那批货。   15. Don’t you think you should have brought this to my attention earlier?   难道你就不觉得该早点儿提请我注意吗?   3. Dialogue 1   The Purchasing Manager discusses the performance of some suppliers with the General Manager.   A: I hear you’ve been having a few problems with some of our suppliers?   B: Yes, that’s right. I didn’t want to bring this to you until I’ve spoken to them and sorted out what we can do.   A: Is it serious or is it something that can be resolved?   B: Actually, it’s a bit of both. A


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