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泪水与骄傲“脱口秀女王”奥普拉.温弗瑞的告别秀   奥普拉?温弗瑞,这个家喻户晓的名字就是顶级脱口秀的代名词。她主持的《奥普拉脱口秀》已于美国时间5月25日停播。这个电视谈话节目持续了25年,平均每周吸引3300万名观众,并连续16年排在同类节目的首位,很多观众深受其影响,有的甚至因此改变了一生。也许作为90后新鲜人的你对这位“脱口秀女王”不太熟悉,也没看过她的节目,但大家不妨听听她在告别秀中给追随其多年的观众的“love   letter”,也许你能从中感受到她走下舞台时的不舍与骄傲,领会到她有如此大的影响力到底原因何在。   有什么曾影响甚至改变你的生活吗?它可以是一个人、一件事甚至一句话。有兴趣的话不妨写下来,来信和我们分享吧。      Man A: This is my last broadcast. For almost two   decades, after all, we’ve been meeting like this in the evenings, and, I’ll miss that.   Man B: We kicked it off[停止运转], didn’t we?   Man C: I bid you a very heartfelt[衷心的] good night.   Man D: Sorry, we’re closed.   Man E: Ladies and gentlemen, Oprah Winfrey! Stay with us!   Oprah: Oh...yeah...thank you! Thank you!      Oprah’s Farewell Show:   “I won’t say goodbye”   Oprah: From you whose names I will never know, I learned what love is. You and this show have been the great love of my life.   Host A: Oprah Winfrey delivers what some might say is her greatest lesson yet, one of love, grace and validation[确认] in what she called “a love letter to her fans,” who have supported her for 25 years.   Host B: In fact Oprah says that gratitude[感恩] is the single greatest treasure that she will take from her experience. Cheryl Burton joins us now with that emotional farewell today. Cheryl.   Cheryl: In fact she said this was the last lesson from that studio for her, and, of course, for all of us, we’ll remember “where were you when the Oprah Show ended?”   After 25 years, Oprah filled her studio today with first-time guests and long-time friends to share the end of her 25-year run. Now, after more than 4,500 shows and 30,000 guests, Oprah used her last show to share words of wisdom and thank those who have been there from the beginning.   Oprah: Well, from day one, Chicago, you took me in―into your living rooms, and into your kitchens, and your dens[私室,书房]―and you spread the word to your friends. Today there will be no guests, there will be no makeovers[新的打扮], no surprises. You will no


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