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高三英语动词态和语态复习 Humorous Moments:The Father and His Son Father: You know, Tom, when Obama ____(be) your age, he _______(be) a very good pupil. In fact, he ______(be) the best pupil in his class. Tom: Yes, Father. I ____(know) that. But when he ___ (be) your age, he ___(be) President of USA. Ⅰ.The Simple Present Tense(一般现在时) 1) 结构:①.(Active) __________(主动) ②.(Passive) _________________(被动) 2) 主要用法: ①.The teacher told us that light __________ faster than sound. (travel) Practice __________(make) perfect. Note:_________________________________. ②. Galileo collected facts that proved the earth _____ around the sun. A. moved B. moves C. has moved D. had moved ③. Send my regards to your lovely wife when you _______ home. A. wrote B. will write C. have written D. write Note:__________________________________________. ④.Look at the timetable. Hurry up! Flight 4026____ off at 18:20.??? A. takes B. took C. will be taken D. has taken Note: _________________________________.(只限于表示起始或移动意义的动词: _____________________________________________________, etc.) 3).完成下面的练习(将下面句子转换成被动语态) ①. People speak Chinese in many countries. Chinese_____________ in many countries. ②. — Do you have any problems if you ______ this job? (offer的适当形式填空) — Well, I’m thinking about the salary. Ⅱ.The Simple Past Tense(一般过去时) 1) 结构:①.(Active) ______(主动) ②.(Passive) ___________________(被动) 2).一般过去时的基本用法 判断正误(T/F) I visited the Palace Museum. 【 】 I visited the Palace Museum last year. 【 】 I have visited the Palace Museum. 【 】 Note:___________________________________________________。 3).一般过去时的特殊用法 ①.Its time we _______. (go) ②.I wish I _______ twenty years younger.(be) ③.I would(I’d) rather you _______the letter for me. (send) ④.I would rather you ______________anything for the time being.(not do) Note: _________________________________________________ 4).重温经典 ①. —Jack bought a new mobile phone the other day. —________? That’s his third one in just one month. A. Had he


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