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七年级下册英语介词连词代词模块测试题人教版 满分100分????答题时间33分钟 单选题(本大题共11小题, 共100分) 1.(本小题9分) ?????the afternoon of June 30th,many foreign visitors arrived???Shanghai. A. In;at B. On;in C. At;to D. In;in 核心考点: 介词? 2.(本小题9分) Lucys fathers birthday is ????? August. A. at B. in C. on D. for 核心考点: 介词? 3.(本小题9分) Koalas often sleep during the day, but get up and eat leaves ????? night. A. at B. during C. on D. in 核心考点: 介词? 4.(本小题9分) There is a car ??????our house. A man is sleeping????????? it. A. in the front of; in front of B. in front of; in the front of C. in front; in the front of D. in front of; in front of 核心考点: 介词? 5.(本小题9分) The park is across ????? the supermarket. A. in B. on C. from D. at 核心考点: 介词? 6.(本小题9分) The pay phone is ????? the post office and the library. A. in B. between C. near D. across 核心考点: 介词? 7.(本小题9分) The woman ?????? long black hair plays volleyball very well. A. have B. has C. wears D. with 核心考点: 介词? 8.(本小题9分) Do you want a job ????? a singer? A. in B. for C. of D. as 核心考点: 介词? 9.(本小题9分) I enjoy watching CCTV4 ????? it can help me learn more about the world. A. if B. because C. though D. until 核心考点: (英语)连词? 10.(本小题9分) Lily doesn’t like the scarf ??????the sunglasses. A. and B. or C. about D. of 核心考点: (英语)连词? 11.(本小题10分) —Who helped you repair your bike?— ??????! I repaired it all by myself. A. Anybody B. Everybody C. Somebody D. Nobody 核心考点: 不定代词?


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