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Greetings and Introductions In order to make a good impression on the person you meet, first of all , you need to be confident. The following stories may help you enhance you confidence. 美国十大财团首领之一的洛克菲勒(Rockefeller) ,37岁才“下海”经商; 爱因斯坦(Albert.Einstein )三岁还不会说话,报考瑞士联邦工学院时,除语文外,各科成绩均不及格而名落孙山; 著名的德国古典哲学家黑格尔30岁大学毕业做讲师,因不受学生欢迎而被哄下讲台,不得不到一所中学教书。 毛泽东出身在湖南韶山冲的一个普通农民家庭;美国总统里根也是农民出身;古人说得好:“自苦英雄多磨难,从来纨绔少伟男。” Greetings and introductions are like chemical catalysts, they get things going. The essentials of greeting others A greeting is an acknowledgment of someone else’s presence. The first essential of good greeting manners is taking notice of other people Informal greetings Spoken, gestured, both ( hello, hi, hey, good morning) 致意: 致意是一种常用的礼节,表示问候。用于相互认识的人之间,在各种场合都有使用。致意的方式有以下几种: 举手致意:当遇到熟人又距离较远时,一般不出声,举起右手,手臂伸直,掌心朝向对方,轻轻摆一下手心。 点头致意:当在会议、会谈的进行中,与相认识者在同一地点多次见面,或仅有一面之交者,在社交场合相逢,都可以点头为礼。 Sometimes a spoken greeting isn’t possible ( too far away to hear , disturb others) Formal greetings In certain situations, the ritual of greeting is more formalized. The language is often the same as or similar to an informal greeting. “Hello, Mr. Carpenter” “How do you do, Mrs. Ramirez?” In formal receiving line, even people who know each other well will often shake hands or exchange social kisses, make a polite comment, and then move on in order not to hold up the line. Hello, tone of voice, and posture Not to be effusive but should be pleasant and genuine Standing or not In general, stand whenever you can, especially when the person you are greeting is older than you, someone you are meeting for the first time, or someone who is traditionally shown special respect. Handshaking 握手: 在原始时代,在人类才刚刚从动物界脱胎换骨出来,还带有几分野蛮的时候,人们不仅在狩猎或战争中,而且在日常交往时,手上常常带有石块等“武器”,以防不测。 在与人交往时,为了表达自己的友好,说明自己没带武器,于是将双手伸开并高举,这是最原始的见面礼。也可看作是握手礼的最早开端。 后来,这种表达友好的方式发展成用手接触对方的胸部。据传,直到埃及金字塔时代,人们见面时才比较普遍地以两手相握为礼。据古希腊诗人荷马所言,是特罗亚人最早使用握手礼的。 行握手礼时要客人先伸出手时才能握手。握手时一般不戴手套,但尊贵的人和女人可戴 手套。行礼时忌交叉行礼,和女人握手不可太紧。 Kissing, hugging, other af


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