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* 易错点1 名词的单复数形式的误判 【典例】—What do you think the _________ should do first?    —They should learn to take __________ as well as share rights in life.   A. grown-up; responsibility B. growns-up; responsibility   C. grown-ups; responsibilities D. growns-ups; responsibilities 复合名词的复数形式一般在中心名词后面加-s,如:looker-on → lookers-on, son-in-law → sons-in-law;但是当复合名词没有中心名词时,其复数形式是在最后的词后面加-s,如:grown-up → grown-ups; go-between → go-betweens。  易错点2 名词的格的误用 【典例】—Look! This is________________.   —Very beautiful. When did she take it?   A. my mothers picture B. my mother in the picture   C. a picture of my mother D. a picture of my mothers  my mothers picture,意为“我妈妈所拥有的照片”,暗含“照片上不一定是我妈妈”; a picture of my mothers意为“我妈妈所拥有的照片中的一张”,同样,暗含“照片上不一定是我妈妈”; a picture of my mother意为“我妈妈的照片(照片中是妈妈)”;my mother in the picture意为“照片中我的妈妈”,暗含“不是真实的妈妈”。  易错点3 名词作定语的误用 【典例】—Where does your sister work, Jack?   —She works in a ___________.   A. shop of cloth B. cloths shop C. shop with clothes D. clothes shop 名词作定语时一般用其单数形式,然而,名词parents, clothes, sports等,作定语时必须要使用其复数形式。另外,man, woman作定语时,如果中心词是单数,则用其单数形式;如果中心词是复数,则用其复数形式。  易错点4 对不可数名词的应用判断失误 【典例】—I find it very difficult to read _______ novel you lent me last week.    —Yes. Its necessary to have ________ good knowledge of history. the;不填 B. a;不填 C. the; a D. a; a have a good knowledge of意为“对……很了解”,是固定搭配 英语中,有些抽象名词,如knowledge, history, failure, success, help, pleasure, surprise, honour等表示抽象概念时,其前面不用不定冠词,如:with pleasure, in surprise等。但是,当表示具体的概念时,其前面须用不定冠词,也可以用其复数形式。 易错点5 对专有名词的应用判断失误 【典例】—Do you know Li Ming?    —Li Ming? Which one? I know _______ Li Ming in our class very well. He is ______ Lei Feng of our times.   A. 不填;不填 B. a; a C. a; the D. the; the 人名前面加定冠词,指特定的某个人或某个人的主要特征。地名前面一般不用定冠词,但是当指特定某时期的地方或某地的主要特征时,须用定冠词。如:China → the China (of) today; America → the America of last century; the New York of China


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