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曲 靖 师 范 学 院 本科毕业论文(设计) 论文题目: 高中物理解题中的隐含条件研究 高中物理解题中的隐含条件研究 摘 要 在高中解物理习题时,学生往往觉得难于入手这与题的隐条件有关。找出这些隐含条件,利用隐含条件对题目进行梳理,就能快捷地进入解题状态充分挖掘隐含条件明确题目要求采用合适方法是解这类题的关键。隐含条件的挖掘对学生分析问题和解决问题的能力有很好的展示作用,因此一直是高考命题的热点。……。论文从多角度,多方面探究如何挖掘高中物理习题中的隐含条件,以便在解决高中物理习题时能迅速挖掘隐含条件、解决物理问题。同时使解决物理问题上升为研究解决问题的方法,为丰富和开展探究式教学提供了新思路,新方法。 关键词:高中物理习题;隐含条件;挖掘;方法 Study of the implicit conditions in solving high school physical problems Abstract: Usually, high school students feel difficult to solve the physical problems, and this is partially due to the implicit conditions. These conditions are not given out literally. It is the key to dig out the implicit conditions to understand the purpose of the problem so as to be able to apply the appropriate method and solve it quickly. In order to find out the implicit conditions, the students are required to have a comprehensive knowledge and the abilities of analyzing and solving problems. Such problems reveal the students’ abilities and are of great interest in the entrance exams. But, the implicit conditions in high school physical problems are not unique and hard to determine. They are hidden in a variety of forms, such as the phenomena, laws, processes, etc. In this thesis, we study the implicit condition in depth, so as to provide a guide for the students to find out the implicit conditions quickly. Furthermore, it turns out to be a good topic in studying teaching and enriches the study. Key words: High school physics exercise ;Concealed condition ;Excavation ;Method 目录 1引言 1 1.1问题提出 1 1.2现状分析 1 1.3研究思路 1 2如何挖掘高中物理习题中的隐含条件 2 2.1从物理概念中挖掘隐含条件 2 2.2从物理规律中挖掘隐含条件 3 2.3物体所处状态中挖掘隐含条件 4 2.4从物理过程中挖掘隐含条件 4 2.5从物理名词术语中挖掘隐含条件 6 2.6从关键词和文字叙述中挖掘隐含条件 7 2.7从物理常识中挖掘隐含条件 8 2.8从物理器件铭牌中挖掘隐含条件 9 2.9从客观条件中挖掘隐含条件 9 2.10从常用物理量中挖掘隐含条件 10 2.11从物理现象中挖掘隐含条件 10 2.12从物理模型的理想化条件中挖掘隐含条件 12 2.13从物理图像中挖掘隐含条件 13 2.14从物理量间的关系中挖掘隐含条件 14 2.15从物理情景中挖掘隐含条件 15 2.16从临界状态中挖掘隐含条件 16 2.17从已知条件中挖掘隐含条件 16 2.18从数学关系中挖掘隐含条件 16 2.19从可能性结论中挖掘隐含条件 18 结语 19 主要参考文


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