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江西农业大学南昌商学院 《企业文化与CI策划》论文 题目:安踏体育用品企业文化与CI设计 专业班级:营销111班 学号姓名:陈 小 闲 任课教师:李 勇 军 2013年10月27日 摘 要 进入21世纪,世界进入了一个文化敏感的时代。企业文化创新要以对传统企业文化的批判为前提,对构成企业文化诸要素包括经营理念、企业宗旨、管理制度、经营流程、仪式、语言等进行全方位系统性的弘扬、重建或重新表述,使之与企业的生产力发展步伐和外部环境变化相适应。 而CI作为一种创造企业形象、增强企业形象影响力、改善企业管理的有效工具,从第二次世界大战后在西方兴起,经过几十年的运作,已经被证明是一种功能强大的企业推进剂。当中国的企业面对市场经济的硝烟时,在CI设计开发和推广过程中创制优秀的企业文化将是一个不可回避的话题。可以说,一个没有文化的企业,是一个庸俗的企业,它在导入CIS战略系统过程中将因为缺乏自身独特的文化品质而无法确立自己在社会中的形象;一个没有形象的企业,则注定要在市场中失败。当我们对可口可乐的成功津津乐道时,当我们对松下电器的信誉深信不疑时,我们都不应该忘记了,这些成功的企业正是在CI设计的过程中将企业文化与企业经营成功结合的典范。 本文以安踏体育用品公司为例,描述我国很多中小企业由于规模小、发展时间短,企业管理水平低,在企业的建设和发展问题上,更多注重的是利润和效益,却很少考虑企业的文化建设。安踏之所以可以发展壮大,就是加强企业文化建设与C1建设是企业生存和发展的必然选择,采取有效的措施来推进。 【关键词】企业文化,CI设计,安踏 Abstract In the 21st century, the world has entered an era of cultural sensitivity . Corporate culture of innovation should take on the traditional critique of corporate culture as a precondition for the various elements of an enterprise culture , including philosophy , business purpose , management systems , business processes , rituals , language, etc. systematic promote all-round , rebuild or re- presentation , so that the pace of development and enterprise productivity and adapt to changes in the external environment . The CI as a creation of corporate image , enhance the corporate image of influence, an effective tool to improve corporate governance , from the rise in the West after World War II , after decades of operation , has proven to be a powerful enterprise propellant. When China s market economy, enterprises face the smoke , the design, development and promotion of the CI process will create a good corporate culture is an unavoidable topic. It can be said without a culture of enterprise , is a vulgar business, When we talked about the success of Coca-Cola , when we are convinced of the credibility of Panasonic , we should not forget that these successful companies is in the process of CI design corporate culture and business will be successful c


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