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威学一百2018年2月3日雅思考试内容解析?听力?一、考试概述本场考试填空类题目为24个,选择类16个。填空所占的比例仍是较大的,所以考生们一定要做好准备,尤其需要注意单词的拼写。Section 1:咨询——寻求车辆救援,填空10??Section 2:介绍——海岛旅游,选择6+填空4?Section 3:讨论——作家克里斯蒂的故事,选择6+配对4??Section 4:社科——经济学和信任的实验,填空10??二、具体题目分析:Section 1新旧情况:07148场景:咨询——寻求车辆救援题型:填空10参考答案:1. name:?Wollowey2. address:?Flat 63. the number of car:?RH139YS4.?NX55JGY5. the type and the color of the car:?metallic grey6. cannot?walk?very well7. present location: in a?petrol station8. cross a?bridge?over a river9. transfer to a?hotel10. length of time to get help: within?30?minutes(答案仅供参考)解析:考察的题型相对简单,但是部分单词的拼写还是需要注意的,如Wollowey需要注意“double l”和“NX55JGY”中J和G的顺序。参考练习:C8T2S1?Section 2新旧情况:09208场景:介绍——海岛旅游题型:选择6+填空4参考答案:11. where is the information board??A. at the reception in the village?B. inside the cottage???? C. on the beach12. which sport you must book in advance??B. water-skiing13. ticket include??A. shoes??? B. a map of caveC. safety helmet14. wildlife park be recommend for?family/families outside traveling to safari park15. children are permitted to?feed?animals16. red kangaroo is larger than a?person17. crocodiles live at least?50 years18-20. what can be most popular as tourists chose in inland region? C. buy some souvenirs D. visit EMU farm?E. visit cheese production F. **follow the natural trails?G. picking EMU farm(答案仅供参考)解析:此次考察的场景较为熟悉,需要注意判定好题干信息,然后排除一些干扰信息。参考练习:C9T2S2??Section 3新旧情况:06318场景:讨论——作家克里斯蒂的故事题型:选择6+配对4参考答案:21. what does writer Christie and William Shakespeare 共同的地方:?A. ignored by critics?B. appeal to the public?C. influential22. what surprise olive the most when she read the Christie’s book??A. plots are in a slow pace?B. in simple words?C. theoretical dialogue23. what does the student say about the Christie’s biography??A. she always keeps a traditional way of thinking24. what does the students say about Christie’s novel being turned into a film??A. films exactly originate from the book?B. 待补充?C. television programs are not so successful as the cinema versions25. what do students


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