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用所给词的?正确形式填?空。Mind your own__?_____?(busy). Dad said to Tom _____?__(angry?) becau?se he broke? the windo?w. They were _____?__ (surpr?ise) that they lost the game. The phone? _____?__(ring) when he got home. It’s impol?ite to speak?_____?__(rude) to the old. Look! The child?ren _____?___(swim) happi?ly in the river?. Tony somet?imes _____?__(go) to schoo?l by schoo?l bus. _____?__ you alway?s _____?___(have) lunch? at home. —Where? is your fathe?r? — He _____?__(mend) the bike. How often? _____?__ your mothe?r _____?__ (see) a film? Lesso?n3-4 — _____?__ you _____?__(see) the popul?ar film befor?e? Yes, I _____?_(see) it last Frida?y. Jimmy? _____?_(live) in China? for ten years?. I _____?_(begin?) to learn? Engli?sh five years? ago, I _____?_(learn?) it for five years?. Mozar?t _____?_(write?) more than 600 piece?s of music?. Xiao Ming _____?_(join) the army since? 2004. Lesso?n 5-6 serve? , excit?e, diffe?rence?, one, beg The _____?_ in the resta?urant? shoul?d impro?ve. It’s so bad. The _____?_ are too poor. Pleas?e give them some help. Thoma?s goes joggi?ng _____?__ a day. The match? was so _____?_ that all of them cheer?ed up. They have _____?_ hobbi?es from ours. knock? down/at/on/over/out/off She was _____?__ by bus, lucki?ly, she wasn’t hut badly?. Pleas?e _____?__ the door befor?e you come in the room. You’re _____?_ my drink?. It cost me £10 but I’ll _____?_ 20% as it’s no longe?r new. The film just _____?_ me _____?__, it’s the best thing? I’ve ever seen. Lesso?n 7—8 We will have a new teach?ing _____?_(build?). The parce?l of diamo?nds is _____?_(value?). This _____?_ (wood) desk is expen?sive. This _____?_(compe?te) is very impor?tant, you shoul?d get ready? for it. To their? _____?_(surpr?ise) , we lost the game. I _____?(discu?ss) my thesi?s with my direc?tor at this time last night?. — What _____?_ you _____?_ (do) at 10 o’clock? last night?? I _____?_ (have) dinne?r with my frien?ds. Mrs. Jones? _____?_(clean?) the house? when her husba?nd c


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