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两只兔子的快乐越狱生活   Wendy最近终于找到了《监狱兔》的DVD,果然创意十足得让人欲罢不能,咔咔。这期的“动漫后援会”给大家带来这部风靡全球网络的日本动画短片,感兴趣的同学可以访问监狱兔中文官方网站   (http://www.省略/),上面除了有关于这套短片的详细介绍和最新动态报道,还提供动画下载和在线小游戏哦!      I love watching animated shorts. To complete a story in several minutes is not something that can be done without   wit and true creativity, but these animators manage   to pull it off[成功做到] and wow the audience. That’s why works like Oscar-winning Peter and the Wolf or Pixar’s   For the Birds are so enjoyable. Thus it’s always fun to discover new shorts, especially when they’re as straight-up[是真的] interesting as Usavich.   The title comes from “usagi,” the Japanese word for rabbit, with the “vich” part giving it some Russian flavor. Two rabbits, Kirenenko and Putin, are stuck in a Russian   prison. Season One (“Time for…”) shows their daily life in jail, with Kirinenko oblivious[不在意的] to most things which aren’t sneakers and Putin interacting with other   denizens[居民]. Life goes on day by day until Kirenenko catches sight of a new sneaker ad one day. Eager to buy the shoes, he breaks out of prison, taking Putin along. Season Two (“Watch for…”) follows the pair as they hit the road[动身,出发] and try to stay out of trouble, stay away from the police and…stay alive. In the currently running Season Three (“The…Floor”), the rabbits arrive at a shopping mall where Kirenenko tries to get the sneakers that he longs for…   One of the factors that make Usavich such a hit is the rabbits follow the classic “Dumb[笨的] Dangerous” pairing in Hollywood comedy. Putin is a good-natured bunny[兔子] who likes to dance Kazachok[哈萨克舞] on his bed. He likes fun, but due to his hapless[倒霉的] nature, Putin tends to get the short stick of any situation. Originally a mafia[黑手党]   boss, Kirenenko, on the other hand, is generally   quiet, totally obsessed with his sneaker   magazine. But he can be super-dangerous when he gets angry and goes berserk[气疯了]. As a result, the routine[常规] of “Putin ends up in trouble while Kir


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