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EEC小学英语四年级Unit3--Unit4测试题 一、英汉互译(20分) 1、谁的________2、the third class_________ 3、找到________ 4、怎么了?_____________ 5、按时___________ 6、从此以后_____________ 7、为什么不呢?____________ 8、so long ______9、I don’t know_________ 10、第一节课_______________ 二、情景应用(10分) ( ) 1.当你想询问对方发生什么事情时,你应该说:———— A.What’s wrong ? B.Can I help you ? C I’m sorry . ( ) 2.你想询问这件大衣是谁的,你应该说:———— Where is the coat? B. Whose coat is this? C This is my coat. ( ) 3.你找不到你的英语书了,你应该说:———— A.I have an English book . B Do you have an English . C. I can’t find my English book . ( ) 4.当你上课迟到了,你应该对老师说:———— I’m OK. B. I’m sorry. I’m late. C. Sorry. We are late. ( )5.当你想知道第一节是什么课时,你应该说:———— What time is it? B.What day is it today? What’s the first class? 三、将错误的单词写在横线上,并改正。(10分) 1、Not on the street . ______ ______ 2、Who’s bag is it ? ______ ______ 3、I don’t find my shirt. ______ ______ 4、What’s the one class? ______ ______ 5、Have an nice day. ______ ______ 四、选词填空(10分) 备选栏:Ken’s ; blue ; know ; skirt ; His A: Whose __1__ is this ? B: Well,I ____2_____ A: Is it __3___bag? B: No ,it isn’t. __4__bag is __5__ . Answer:1、_________2、________3、________4、________5、________ 五、单项选择 (20分) ( )1.Whose bag ____ this ? A. are B. is C. am ( )2.Is this ____ skirt ? A. Lili B. Lili’s C. Betty ( ) 3.Do you like ___ ? B. an apple C.pears ( ) 4.I ___ find my ruler . A. can’t B. am not C. isn’t . ( ) 5.Please be on time ___. A.from B from now C.from now on ( ) 6.Is that Kate’s ball ? A Yes, it isn’t. B. No , it isn’t. C. No , it is . ( )7.What’s _____ class ? A. three B. the three C. the third ( )8.What’s ____, Ken? A.wrong B.wong ( )9.I like _____. A. music B.watermelon C.cake ( )10.Is this lili’s computer ? Yes ,it isn’t. B. Yes ,it is . C. No ,it is. 连词成句(20分) bag / I /can’t /my /find /. __________________________________ 译文____________________ sing /very/ I /well /


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