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Chrono?logy of Britis?h Govern?ment Monarc?h Date of Rule Deeds Events? Commen?ts German?ic/Scandi?navian? Rule Alfred? the Great 871-899 Defeat?ed“Danlaw?” expans?ion regain?ed land establ?ished navy and garris?on introd?uction? of Christ?anity to Dames, first public? school?s for noble descen?dances? and magist?rates Anglo-Saxon Chroni?cle Anglo-Saxon Wessex?line Edward? the elder Anglo-Saxon Wessex?line; Son to Alfred? Athels?tan Anglo-Saxon Wessex?line; Son to Edward? Edgar the Peacef?ul 959-975 Anglo-Saxon Wessex?line Ethelr?ed the Unread?y 978`1016 Invade?d Englan?d Anglo-Saxon Wessex?line; Sweyn Forkbe?ard, King of Denmar?k Canute? 1016-1035 1.chosen? as king by Witan;2.United? Englan?d, Denmar?k and Norway?. Scandi?navian? Conque?ror Edward? the Confes?sor 1042-1066 1.facili?tated the Norman? Conque?r;2.Norman? feudal? system? adopte?d Son of Ethelr?ed the Unread?y Harold? Godwin?son 1066 defeat?ed Norweg?ians Earl of Wessex? Norman? French? Rule Willia?m I 1066-1087 5-steps to streng?then reign in Englan?d: 1.crushe?d all resist?ance,built castle?s for protec?tion 2.broke up Saxon earldo?ms establ?ished centra?lized royal govern?ment. 3.vicomt?es 4.sloven?t royal treasu?ry, royal coinag?e 5.allied? with Roman Cathol?ic Church? defeat?ed Harold? and crowne?d Willia?m I at Westmi?nster Abbey on Dec.25,1066 Willia?m the Conque?ror, French? duke connec?ted to the Wessex? Line who favore?d by Edward? the Confes?sor Willia?m II 1087-1100 Murdur?ed Willia?m Rufus, 2nd son to Willia?m I Henry I 1100-1135 Altere?d the relati?onship? betwee?n King and his follow?ers:1.chose bishop?s 2.accept?ed money from Barons? instea?d of milita?ry servic?e-excheq?uer 3rd son of Willia?m I Stephe?n Maud 1135-1154 1.20-years of civil war and anarch?y; 2.agreem?ent to Stephe?n’s rule and Henry II’s succes?sion. Stephe?n:Grands?on to Willia?m I; Matild?a: Daught?er to Henry I


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