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Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tuberculosis), commonly known as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the pathogen that cause tuberculosis. Violations of body organs, but tuberculosis is the most common. Tuberculosis so far is still an important infectious disease. Estimated 1/3 of the worlds population infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. According to the WHO report, about 8 million new cases occur each year, at least 300 million people died of the disease. In China before the founding of mortality up to 200-300 / 100 000, the cause of death in a variety of diseases Bacterium 1 chronic onset.Mainly fatigue, fever, weight loss and other symptoms 2with acute onset. Moderate fever or high fever, cough, cough small amount of sputum 3 hemoptysis onset. Ranging hemoptysis or sputum, blood, hemoptysis often cause the patients attention for chest or chest radiography, and further for sputum examination and tuberculosis. 4, the sick side of the chest pain, fever, shortness of breath and other symptoms. Check the found pleurisy 1.Drug-resistant Tuberculosis: Drug-resistant TB is caused by TB bacteria that are resistant to at least one first-line anti-TB drug. Multidrug-resistant TB (MDR TB) is resistant to more than one anti-TB drug and at least isoniazid (INH) and rifampin (RIF). 2.Latent TB Infection: The medications used to treat latent TB infection include: isoniazid (INH)(异烟肼) rifampin (RIF)(利福平) rifapentine (RPT)(利福喷丁) Certain groups of people (such as people with weakened immune systems) are at very high risk of developing TB disease once infected with TB bacteria. Every effort should be made to begin appropriate treatment and to ensure completion of the entire course of treatment for latent TB infection. 3.TB Disease: The continuation phase of treatment is given for either 4 or 7 months. The 4-month continuation phase should be used in the large majority of patients. 1.Administrative measures 2.Environmental controls 3.Use of respiratory prote



