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浅析企业的文化营销 摘 要 随着市场经济的发展和对外开放的扩大,零售行业逐渐进入了品牌竞争时代,市场竞争越来越表现为品牌的竞争。开元广场在竞争激烈的市场上如何赢得更大的市场份额、提升品牌知名度是其当前所必须面临的现实问题。本文在综述了品牌营销相关理论的基础上,根据对开元广场概况和品牌营销现状的分析,运用SWOT模型对开元广场面临的优势、劣势、机会和威胁进行细致的研究,发现开元广场的品牌营销中存在不足。并在以上研究的基础上提出了开展开元广场品牌的宣传月、设立客户服务窗口、建立强有力的品牌管理部门和强化品牌营销的整合性的品牌营销策略和改进建议。从而来完善开元广场的品牌营销。本文的研究旨在对西安本土企业的健康发展和开元广场的品牌营销具有一定的参考价值和指导意义。 关键词:品牌 ;开元广场 ;品牌营销 The Marketing Research of Brand Development of Anshan Silong Shopping Square Abstract With the development of market economy and the enlargement of opening to the outside world, the retail trade has entered the competitive era of brands gradually, and the market competition has displayed the competition for brand more and more. At present, the realistic problem that Kaiyuan Shopping Square must face is how to gain greater marketing share and improve the brand popularity on fiercely competitive market. Based on the survey of the relevant theory of brand marketing and the analysis of the profiles and brand marketing status of Kaiyuan Shopping Square, this paper has made a painstaking research using the SWOT model on the advantages, disadvantages, chances and threatens which is Kaiyuan Shopping Square facing, then has found out the deficiencies of Kaiyuan Shopping Square’s brand marketing. Based on the research, this paper brings out the integrated brand strategy and related suggestions, including holding the Kaiyuan Shopping Square public month management department to strengthen the Kaiyuan brand. So as to perfect Kaiyuan Shopping Square’s brand marketing. The research of this paper aims at having certain reference value and directive Significance to sound development of Xian local enterprises and brand marketing of Kaiyuan Shopping Square. Key Words: rand; Kaiyuan Shopping Square; Brand Marketing 1 绪论 1.1 选题背景 随着我国市场经济的快速发展,现今的消费需求正不断呈现出多样化和个性化特征,同时,市场也日趋理性和规范,这些变化使得企业间的竞争逐渐由规模竞争、质量竞争、技术竞争转向营销手段竞争、服务竞争和品牌竞争,而其中的品牌竞争已成为以消费者为导向的时代经济潮流的主题。从一定意义上来说,现代企业间的竞争已经成为品牌间的竞争,而且也只有具备强势品牌的企业才能在残酷的市场竞争中得以生存和发展,品牌经济已经成为现代经济的主流[1]。因


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