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记忆心灵回归精神——论怀斯的绘画艺术-memory and soul return to spirit - on wyeths painting art
中 文 摘 要安德鲁·怀斯(Andrew Wyeth,1917.7.12-2009.1.16)是美国 20 世纪最 伟大的画家之一。他描绘美国乡间自然风土人物的画作,以精致逼真的写实风格, 表现了人与大自然的交流与调和,朴实的题材,引发人们怀念乡土与自然的情思。 怀斯以其敏感的捕捉力和超凡的想象力,将生活和记忆中的片断,化作令人感动 的画面。出现在画作中的对象——孤屋、老人和鸟兽,含有一股寂静与淡淡的哀 愁,洋溢着动人肺腑的诗意。出生于艺术家庭的怀斯,在绘画理念上受父亲的影 响极深,但创作的手法与风格却始终秉持着自己的意念。本文对怀斯所处的时代 背景、生活环境与绘画作品加以剖析,阐述其独特的绘画观念,分析论述其形成 的独特绘画艺术风格的几种特性具体的体现,以及对中国写实绘画的影响和启 发,由此来引发对当代写实绘画发展的思考。关键词: 怀斯独特风格写实抽象AbstractAndrew ? Wyeth (Andrew Wyeth,1917.7.12-2009.1.16)is The United States in the 20th century one of the greatest painters. He portrayed the United States country natural climatic and environmental figures paintings to exquisite lifelike realism style, man and nature of the exchanges and harmonic, Georgians, raises people and nature. Wise to their sensitive capture force and exceptional imagination, the life and memory of the fragment, into the screen. Appear in the paintings of solitary housing, the elderly and animals and birds, with a silent and subtle, smiled my poetic. Born in artistic family of wise, in painting idea on the fathers influence, but creation of manipulation and style but always keeping their own ideas. This article on wise times background, living environment and paintings to dissect out unique painting ideas, analysis of its unique discussed painting style of several characteristics specific embodiment, and realistic painting of influence and inspiration that raises to contemporary thinking on the development of realistic painting.Keyword:WyethUniqueStyleRealismAbstract安德鲁·怀斯(Andrew Wyeth,1917.7.12-2009.1.16)目录独创性声明------------------------------------------------------------------------------I中文摘要---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ⅡABSTRACT---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅲ引言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11. 走进怀斯——执着于艺术而离群索居的探索者------------------------------------31.1 时代背景与社会背景----------------------
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