Dream dance(梦想的舞步).ppt

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Dream dance(梦想的舞步)

* Dream dance (梦想的舞步) Narrator(旁白):The frozen snow dream buds in cold.That’s called Nina’s girl began her life dance.(梦想萌芽在冰封雪寒的冬季,那个叫妮娜的女孩开始了她的人生之舞。) Maria(玛丽娅,妮娜的老师):Nice to see you,lovely angels.(很高兴见到你们,可爱的天使。)It is my pleasure to tell you,from now on,Nina is our new member.(很荣幸的告诉大家,从现在开始,妮娜是我们的新成员。) (Several dance participants to Nina cast with contempt at the eyes,then their practicing to dance.Nina learn from basic skills to start and rise.几个舞蹈学院向妮娜投去了略带嘲讽的鄙夷目光,然后便各自练习舞蹈,妮娜从基本功开始学起) Lily(一个舞蹈学员)(Looking at Nina and laughing at her嘲笑妮娜):See!her stupid look like a silly goose.(看她笨的样子,像一只蠢鹅) (All of them laughing loudly and make Nina shame) Nina(Come up and saying angrily走过来愤怒地说):You have no qualification so degraing me,because you are not an artist. Narrator:A period of time in the past,the basic skills of Nina has very in position.(一段时间过去了,妮娜的基本功已经非常到位) Maria:Oh,dear,come here!this paragraph of time make you too tired.Now,I bring you good news.(哦~孩子们,来这里!这段时间你们辛苦了,现在我有好消息要告诉你们) (The students shout for joy.学员们高声欢呼) Maria:Ok,ok...Before long vacation ,we must choose a student to play the most important role in the city’s biggest dance party.The student must be good enough. (That is a shout again又是一场欢呼) Lily(says sumgly得意地笑着说):Obviously,leading role is my.(显而易见,主角非我莫属) Sam and Peter(Close to please said靠近并讨好的说):You will always be confident,is really the queen of my heart.(你永远那么自信,真是我心中的女王!) Narrator:A silent corner,Nina staying with a boy named Zorro(在一个寂静的角落,妮娜和一个名叫佐罗的男孩呆在一起) Zorro:Hi,Nina,I’m Zorro,and see that,do you practice dance is serious.(你好,妮娜,我是佐罗,看得出你练舞很认真。) Nina(smile and say):Thanks. Zorro:You can completely cometition the main character…well…I mean,how do not you go competition to leading role?(你完全有能力竞争主角的……额……我是说,你怎么不去竞争主角?) Nina(surprised with a shy smile):You said me?I’m only a beginner.(你说我吗?我只是一个初学者。) Zorro:Yes,of course is that you.Seagulls through perseverance and confidence to fly to the other side.Man shoud be more great than seagulls.(是呀!


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