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四级写作高分技巧 第四讲 王飞飞 2. 句子写作 A. 句子的分类 B. 基本句型的扩展 C. 句子的多样性 D. 句子的连贯一致 E. 标点符号 F. 主谓一致,独立主格,比较句型 E. 标点符号 标点符号主要用来明确语句的含义,标识一个句子或句子中各个成分的起止, 以及彼此间的语法或语义上的关系。 标点符号在文章中同单词享有同样的地位,有些甚至比单词起着更重要的信息传播作用。有时,我们误拼一个单词恐怕不至于引起什么不可弥补的损失或谬误,而用错一个标点符号所引起的谬误恐怕就不是一桩小事情了。 E. 标点符号 逗号的用法 并列的词或句子。 --- Solids, liquids and gases can be changed from one to another. --- From 1926 until his death in 1953, Thorpe lived a poor, lonely, unhappy life. --- There’s only enough room for people to walk in, take one of the eleven inserts, roll them together, slip a rubber band around them and slide them into a plastic bag. --- The present is living, the past dead, and the future unknowable. E. 标点符号 逗号的用法 b) 状语 (包括从句,动词-ing形式,独立结构,不定式短语,介词短语等) --- When water is heated, it will be changed into vapour. --- John, seeing that his brother was hurt, ran to help him. --- Work is done, even by a force acting at a distance. --- To make the trip more exciting for the kids, Oscar kept the destination a secret. --- After the heartbreaking experience, Thorpe turned to professional sports. E. 标点符号 逗号的用法 c) 非限定形容词从句或插入语 --- At 10 a.m. we arrived at the railway station, where Jane was waiting for us. --- You know, of course, what a phrasal verb is. I needn’t, therefore, explain it now. E. 标点符号 逗号的用法 d) 呼语、同位语 --- George, tell Dick the answer to the question. --- He was a direct descendant of the famous warrior chief, Black Hawk. E. 标点符号 逗号的用法 e) 日期、数字、地址。 --- Chichester began the greatest voyage of his life in August, 1966. --- The voyage from England and back covered 28,500 miles. --- Please send it to 1932 Hill Road, London S. E. 18. (门牌号和街名间无标点) E. 标点符号 逗号的用法 f) 姓名(姓在名前面时),非正式信件的抬头或信末署名前的客套语。 --- Shakespeare, William --- Einstein, Albert --- Dear Philip, --- Sincerely yours, E. 标点符号 句号的用法 结束一个陈述句或祈使句 --- The President’s remarks were indeed encouraging. --- Please fax this document to the president before noon. E. 标点符号 句号的用法 跟随大多数的缩写 --- Add. Tel. U.S.A. Ph. D. E. 标点符号 分号的用法 主


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