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浙江大豆核心亲本蛋白质和异黄酮含量的分析 郭丹丹 袁凤杰 郁晓敏 (浙江省农业科学院作物与核技术利用研究所,杭州 31002) 摘 要 蛋白质和异黄酮是大豆的两个重要品质性状,但是这两类物质之间的关系在浙江省内却少有研究。本研究选取了种植于浙江省的196份来自不同地区(94份来自黄淮海地区,102份来自南方地区)的大豆核心亲本作为研究对象,测定其蛋白质和异黄酮组分的含量,并对蛋白质与异黄酮各组分之间进行相关性分析。结果表明,蛋白质含量和异黄酮总含量的范围分别为352~501 g/kg和254.1~6068.9 mg/kg;丙二酰染料木苷、丙二酰黄豆苷、黄豆苷和染料木苷这四种成分的平均含量最高,分别为966.4、667.2、206.0、229.3 mg/kg。我国南方地区大豆种质的蛋白质含量显著高于黄淮海地区,但是两个地区异黄酮总含量则无显著差异。对于蛋白质与异黄酮成分的相关性分析,发现蛋白质与染料木苷和黄豆黄素苷元之间均存在负相关性。在参试材料中,响水黑豆和72-424这两个品种具有高蛋白、高异黄酮性状。大豆籽粒的蛋白质与异黄酮性状能够同时进行改良,通过筛选和育种改良大豆品质,可以获得高蛋白、高异黄酮大豆。 关键词 大豆 蛋白质 异黄酮 豆制品 中图分类号:S565.1 文献标示码:A 文章编号:1003-0174( ) - - Analysis of Protein and Isoflavone Contents in Zhejiang Soybean Core Collections Guo Dandan Yuan Fengjie Yu Xiaomin (Institute of Crop and Nuclear Technology Utilization, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou 310021) Abstract Protein and isoflavone are two important quality traits in soybean seeds for making soy-based food products. However, the investigations about the relationship between protein and isoflavone are still limited in Zhejiang province for breeding soybeans with improved seed quality. In this study, a collection of 196 soybean germplasms (94 from the HuangHuaiHai region and 102 from the South region) grown in Zhejiang were evaluated for both protein and isoflavone and the relationship between protein and isoflavone was also studied. The total protein and isoflavone contents ranged from 352 to 501 g/kg and from 254.1 to 6068.9 mg/kg, respectively. Malonylgenistin, malonyldaidzin, daidzin, and genistin were four major components of total isoflavone and their average contents were 966.4, 667.2, 206.0, and 229.3 mg/kg, respectively. However, the total isoflavone contents showed no difference between the HuangHuaiHai region and the South region in China. The total protein level had moderate negative correlations with genistin and glycitein. The two germplasms, Xiangshuiheidou and 72-424, exhibited both high protein and high isoflavone contents. These res


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