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口语考试涉及8个主题 1.自我介绍 1)Work in small groups. Introduce yourself, including the following details: name, age, family, hometown, friends, majors, favorite subjects, interests, hobbies, ambitions... When did you start learning English? How long have you studied it? Do you like English or not? Why? What do you think of English? Is it interesting or boring? Difficult or easy? Give reasons. What do you think is the most important in the study of English? Among listening, speaking, reading and writing, which one do you think is most important? Why? English is a required course for most college students. Apart from passing exams, are there any other reasons for studying English? Specify more than three. What are the greatest problems you have in English study? Specify two or three. How do you study English outside the classroom? How do you approach your other studies? 2. 教育 What subject do you like best? What makes you like it: your personal interests, the teacher, the practical applications of the course in future, etc.? Do you have any difficulties in learning it? How do you deal with it? 2) Have you ever skipped a class? If yes, why? 3) In your opinion, should math be made a compulsory subject for school children? 4) In your opinion, what study habits and learning strategies seem to be common among successful students? 5) As for you, what did you take into consideration when you came to the choice of a university and a major before graduation from high school. Were you influenced by your parents when choosing this university? What’s their attitude towards your decision? 6) Should college students take one year off during their study to set up a company? 3. 科技带来的变化 1) Do you think the Internet is one of the greatest inventions in the world? Why (not)? 2) In what aspects has the Internet changed people’s life? 3) How could we reduce cyber-crimes? 4) Should kids be prohibited from going to the Internet café? 5) Do you think the Internet is a good place t


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