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新员工入职培训 ——铜精矿合同 国贸一部 王志浩 wangzhihao@ 1 2 3 4 5 目录 CONTENTS 6 7 8 目录 CONTENTS 货物名称 典型品质 Sierra Gorda Copper Concentrates from Chile Sierra Gorda 铜精矿,产地为智利 Cu: 20-31%,Au: 1-5克/吨,Ag:50-100克/吨 S:28-34%,Fe:24-30%,As(砷):0.006-0.015%,Pb(铅):0.09-0.25%,F(氟):<0.033%,Hg(汞):<0.0002%,Cd(镉): <0.001% Material and Typical Assays 合同量 装运计划 10,000 (ten thousand) dry metric tons +/-10% (plus/minus ten percent) in Sellers option. 合同量:10000干吨(+/-10%),由卖方选择。 The Material shall be shipped in 1 lot of 10,000 dry metric tons (+/-10%) in Seller’s option during July 2016, subject to vessel availability. 在船舶可用的前提下,货物应于2016年7月作为一批装运装运,数量为10000干吨(+/-10%),由卖方选择。 Quantity and Shipment Schedule 货物交付 The cargo shall be delivered in bulk on the basis CIF FO Qingdao, China, as per Incoterms 2010. The Buyer shall be responsible for payment of demurrage charges at the rate specified in the Seller’s vessel nomination for the relevant shipment of concentrate, fractions of a day pro rata, for all time exceeding the allowed laytime. The Buyer shall gain dispatch money for all working time saved at half the demurrage rate, calculated per day, fractions of a day pro rata. 货物应按照《2010国际贸易术语解释通则》规定的CIF条款装运,装运方式为散装。 买方应依据卖方任命船舶时的费率标准(XX美元/天),按比例支付给卖方滞期费(即所有超出允许的卸船时间产生的费用)。 买方也可获得速遣费(即提前在允许的时间内卸完船时的补贴)。速遣费的费率为滞期费的费率标准的一半。 Delivery 货物交付 Buyer shall guarantee a minimum discharge rate of 3,000 wet metric tons per weather working day, Sundays and holidays excluded unless used, if used actual times used to count (PWWD SHEX UU ATUTC). Notice of Readiness and Laytime (SOF) The Notice of Readiness to discharge shall be given during official office hours only: Monday to Saturday 0900 to 1700, legal holidays excluded, whether in berth or not, provided the vessel is in free pratique and is in all respects ready to discharge. 买方应保证3000湿吨每晴天工作日的最低卸率,周日和节假日除外,如果用于卸船,则也需计入卸船时间。 NOR和卸船时间(卸船实时记录) NOR(卸船准备就绪通知)应在周一至周六的早上9点-下午5点发布,法定节假日除外,无论船舶是否靠泊,无论是否通过入境检疫,无论是否各方面都已准备好卸船。 Delivery 货物交付 If Notice of Readiness to dischar


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