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Part I Getting ready. 1. disconnected 2. an unpublished number 3. put throuth 4. extension 5. switchboard 6. cell phone/cellular phone 7. handset 8. mobile phone 9. GSM 10. hang on B: Woman: Hello Man: hello, I want the County Hospital W: That’s 38911 M:Thank you 2.W:Hello. Girl: The railway station ,Please W:42661 Girl:What? W: I said 42661 G:OK,Thank you 3.W: my husband’s broken his leg Man: What’s your phone number? W: Call just 82886 , The address is 149Modern Road. M: The ambulance will be there in a few minutes 4.W: Hello, I ‘d like a taxi M: Yes? What is the address? W:179 Heath Road, Hamstit Mh, ok, The taxi will be there in 5 minutes W: Thank you. 5.Man1:Hello, I want a cab. Man2: OK, What address is it? Man1: 1120 East 32nd Street. Man2:Right, The cab will be there in a few minutes. Part II:Giving and receiving phone calls The first call: The number you have reached,3582818,has been disconnected 3582818 has been disconnected The second call: We’re sorry, the number you have reached,4912386, is temporarily out of order.4912386 is temporarily out of order The third call: The number you have reached,5240034,has been changed, the new number is 7828249,please make a note of if, 5240034 has been changed, the new number is 7828249. The fourth call: the number you have reached, 2650325,has been temporarily disconne:cted .2650325 has been temporarily disconnected The fifth call: the number you have reached ,3587202, has been changed to an unpublished number.3587202 has been changed to an unpublished number B: 1. Man: oh! It is rather important, so could you give him a message as soon as he comes in? Tell him Jeremy rang to tell him that Harold Scott is retiring at the end of the month so there will be a job going if he’s interested, OK? Thanks very much. 2. Man: Out? What on earth is he doing? Well, when you see him, tell him that Thomp is hopping mad and he’d better get in touch with him as soon as possible 3. Secretary: Mr Turner’s office Woman: Hello, I’d


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