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CiteSpace的主要科学计量功能 李杰 首都经济贸易大学 安全与环境工程学院 个人主页:/u/jerrycueb * fgfh 写在前面 有关CiteSpace的经典文献和实例文献 基础研究论文 Chen, C. (2004)?Searching for intellectual turning points: Progressive Knowledge Domain Visualization.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America?(PNAS),?101?(Suppl. 1), 5303-5310. Chen, C. (2006)?CiteSpace II: Detecting and visualizing emerging trends and transient patterns in scientific literature.?Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology,?57(3), 359-377. ?《中译本》 Chen, C. et al. (2010)?The structure and dynamics of co-citation clusters: A multiple-perspective co-citation analysis.?Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. (10.1002/asi.21309) 近期很有学习意义的实例论文 Chen, C., Dubin, R., Kim, M. C. (2014). Emerging trends and new developments in regenerative medicine: a scientometric update (2000-2014).Expert opinion on biological therapy,?14(9), 1295-1317. /doi/pdf/10.15172014.920813 Chen C, Dubin R, Kim M C. Orphan drugs and rare diseases: a scientometric review (2000-2014)[J]. Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs, 2014 (0): 1-16. /profile/Chaomei_Chen * fgfh 有关CiteSpace的论文 /scholar?hl=enq=CiteSpacebtnG=as_sdt=1%2C5as_sdtp= 学习科学计量分析的推荐论文 Peters, H. P., Van Raan, A. F. (1991). Structuring scientific activities by co-author analysis.?Scientometrics,?20(1), 235-255. White, H. D., McCain, K. W. (1998). Visualizing a discipline: An author co-citation analysis of information science, 1972-1995. Journal of the American Society for information science, 49(4), 327-355. Culnan, M. J. (1987). Mapping the intellectual structure of MIS, 1980-1985: a co-citation analysis.?Mis Quarterly, 341-353. Kessler, M. M. (1963). Bibliographic coupling between scientific papers.American documentation,?14(1), 10-25. Boyack, K. W., Klavans, R. (2010). Co‐citation analysis, bibliographic coupling, and direct citation: Which citation approach represents the research front most accurately?. Journal


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