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Unit5 Plus and minus Can you read? 119 17951 12315 That’s right. √ Sorry.You’re wrong. × What’s the next(下一个) number? Let’s read two twelve twenty three thirteen thirty four fourteen forty five fifteen fifty six sixteen sixty seven seventeen seventy eight eighteen eighty nine nineteen ninety Interesting numbers 1, 3, 4, ( ), ( ) Can you read? 1+2 Competition (竞赛) 9+6 =? 17+2=? 11+8=? 12+4=? 14+15=? 13+16=? 12+18=? 11+17=? 小动物过河 老虎的算术题 11+8=? 12+4=? 14+15=? 13+16=? 12+18=? 11+17=? Model 1: A: Hello, rabbit. B: Hello, Mr tiger.(害怕状) A: What’s ten plus nine? B: It’s nineteen. A: That’s right. What’s eleven plus nine? B: It’s twenty. A: That’s right. You can go now. Rabbit开开心心地过河了。 Model 2: A: Hello, rabbit. B: Hello, Mr tiger.(害怕状) A: What’s ten plus nine? B: It’s nineteen. A: That’s right. What’s eleven plus nine? B: Er…It’s nineteen. A: Haha…You’re wrong. I’ll eat you. (我要吃了你) 1、读unit5A部分1、2两幅图和B部分单词5遍 2、课后与你的好朋友一起玩小动物过河的游戏。 3、预习A部分3、4两幅图 fourteen fifteen seventeen nineteen * 红梅新村小学 庄小燕 301 402 135 569 thirteen five ? six ? eight ? ten ? eleven ? twelve? 2, 4, 6, ( ), ( ) 4, 5, 9 , ( ), ( ) 7 11 10 16 14 23 plus→+ What’s …plus …? It’s… =? =? =? =? =? one plus two eleven plus eight thirteen plus seven nineteen plus six fourteen plus fifteen 11+8 13+7 19+6 14+15 What’s …plus …? It’s… That’s right.\Sorry.You’re wrong.It’s … Tiger 是森林之王,有一天,它霸占了小动物们每天都要经过的小桥,如果谁要过河,必须回答它两道算术题,回答对的可以过河,回答错误则要被它吃掉,小动物们害怕极了,可是又没有好的办法,所以只能苦练算术题,以免被老虎吃掉。如果是你,你能顺利地过河吗? sixteen eighteen *


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