权力动机、组织公平感与工作绩效关系-the relationship between power motivation, organizational justice and job performance.docx

权力动机、组织公平感与工作绩效关系-the relationship between power motivation, organizational justice and job performance.docx

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权力动机、组织公平感与工作绩效关系-the relationship between power motivation, organizational justice and job performance

I I 摘 要 摘 要 本文以麦克莱兰德的成就需要理论和霍曼斯的社会交换理论为研究基础,采用定量 分析研究方法,探讨权力动机对员工工作绩效的影响。在总结前人研究的基础上,本文 对员工权力动机、组织公平感和工作绩效的概念进行界定,以往文献显示组织公平感可 分为分配公平、程序公平和互动公平三个维度,工作绩效可分为任务绩效和情境绩效, 情境绩效可视为员工的角色外行为,组织公民行为是其中之一,即个体对组织中他人的 组织公民行为(OCBI)和个体对组织整体的组织公民行为(OCBO)。本研究在分析了 员工的权力动机、组织公平感与工作绩效的关系基础之上,还深入探讨了组织公平感在 员工的权力动机对工作绩效的影响过程中的中介作用。 本研究通过问卷调查的方式,总共调查了 7 家企业的 318 名员工,并利用 SPSS18.0 统计软件对收集的数据进行了描述性分析、相关分析和回归分析,得出的主要结论如下: (1)权力动机对工作绩效具有预测作用; (2)权力动机对组织公平感具有预测作用; (3)组织公平感对工作绩效具有预测作用; (4)组织公平感在权力动机对工作绩效的影响中起部分中介作用。 本研究所得出的结论不仅具有理论上的意义,同时对组织人力资源管理方面具有很 强的实践和指导性意义。 关键词 权力动机 组织公平感 工作绩效 II II Abstract Abstract Taking McClellands Achievement Need Theory and Homans Social Exchange Theory as the research basis, adopting quantitative analysis research methods, this paper studies that the motive power impacts on employee work performance. On the basis of summarizing the predecessors research, this paper defines the concept of the employee power motive, the organizational justice and the work performance, in the previous literatures the organizational justice can be divided into the distributive justice, the procedural justice and the interactive justice three dimensions, the work performance can be divided into the task performance and the performance situation and the situation performance behavior, the situation performance behavior can be considered as the employees extra-role behavior, the organizational citizenship behavior is one of them, namely, the individual to the organizational citizenship behavior of others in the organization (OCBI) and organizational citizenship behavior of individual to the organization as a whole (OCBO).On the basis of analysis of the relation ship between the employees power motivation, the organizational justice and work performance, this study further discusses the intermediary role of organizational justice that in the process that the employeess power motivation impacts on the work performance. Through the way of questionnaire survey, this study surveys 318 employees



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