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中文题目:完善我国公务员考核制度的思考 外文题目:PERFECTING THE CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION SYSTEM OF THOUGHT 毕业论文共15页 完成日期2009年12月 答辩日期2009年12月 辽宁工程技术大学毕业论文 摘要 公务员考核制度在整个公务员制度中有着举足轻重的地位,是实施其他各项制度的依据与基础,是公务员制度的“中枢”。2005新颁布的《公务员法》对考核制度做了一定的修改,以适应公务员制度建设的需要,但新规定仍存在着许多问题。文章通过对公务员考核制度重要性和国外公务员考核制度研究,发现我国公务员考核过程中存考核目标不明确激励功能失效,考核指标粗糙考核结果失真,考核等级较少考核结果中庸问题严重,绩效反馈缺乏沟通绩效改善效果不明显等问题。通过分析问题存在的原因,结合我国现阶段发展的自身因素,提出了建立具体化的考核指标体系,建立多样化的考核方法体系,建立严格的考核监控体系,控制考核结果等次、健全反馈体系,建立考核者甄选、培训体系。目前我国公务员考核制度建设处于发展阶段,学术观点比较丰富,但还需要社会共同努力构建完备的公务员考核制度体系。 关键词:公务员;考核制度;工作实绩; I 辽宁工程技术大学毕业论文 ABSTRACT The civil service examination system in the entire civil service system has a pivotal position, is the basis for the implementation of other various systems and the foundation of the civil service quot;hub.quot; 2005 new quot;Civil Lawquot; of the appraisal system to do some changes to adapt to the needs of building the civil service system, but the new regulations there are still many problems. Articles by the importance of the civil service examination system and outside the civil service examination system study found that the process of China’s civil service examination is not clear incentive target deposit assessment function failure, assessment indicators for crude distortion of examination results, assessment grades the results of intermediate examination less serious problem, the lack of performance feedback Communication Performance Improvement little effect and so on. Problem by analyzing the reasons for the development of our country, at this stage its own factors, proposed the establishment of specific assessment index system, in a variety of assessment methods system and establish a strict examination system for monitoring, control, examination results and other times, a sound feedback system the establishment of assessment by the selection and training system. The building of the civil service examination system, China’s current stage of development, academic views are abundant, but still need to wo


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