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摘  要 随着科技的发展,人们生活水平的提高,各种各样的水力工程纷纷开工上马。而我国的水力资源又比较丰富,更多的城市周边开始兴建各种水库,用于城市居民的生活用水,工业设施用水和农业水力灌溉。在各种大小水库中,都有用于监测库容水面的仪器,各种测量方式中,以超声波测距方法最为便捷,它有实时,精确,可全天候工作的优点。而水位监控又是水力设施的重要组成部分,因此,设计好的、精确的超声波测距仪就显得非常重要。而这正是本设计的主要意义和应用领域。 本设计采用以AT89S52单片机为核心的低成本、高精度、微型化数字显示超声波测距仪的硬件电路和软件设计方法。整个电路采用模块化设计,由主程序、预置子程序、发射子程序、接收子程序、显示子程序等模块组成。各探头的信号经单片机综合分析处理,实现超声波测距仪的各种功能。在此基础上设计了系统的总体方案,最后通过硬件和软件实现了各个功能模块。相关部分附有硬件电路图、程序流程图。 经实验证明,这套系统软硬件设计合理、抗干扰能力强、实时性良好,经过系统扩展和升级,可以有效地解决汽车倒车、建筑施工工地以及一些工业现场的位置监控。 Abstract With the development of technology to improve peoples living standards, a variety of water projects has to be launched one after another. Then our country has rich hydropower resources, and around the city began to being construction of various reservoirs,its used for urban residents, industrial facilities, and agricultural irrigation . The vareties of reservoirs, are used to monitor the water storage capacity of instruments, and the ways of measuring , itis convenient to ultrasonic ranging which the advantages of its has real-time, accurate, and working all day. The level monitoring of water is an important part of hydraulic facilities. therefore, designning a good, accurate ultrasonic range finder is very important. Which is the main significance of the designning and applications. At the core of the design using AT89S52 low-cost, high accuracy, Micro figures show that the ultrasonic range finder hardware and software design methods. Modular design of the whole circuit from the main program, pre subroutine fired subroutine receive subroutine. display subroutine modules form. SCM comprehensive analysis of the probe signal processing, and the ultrasonic range finder function.On the basis of the overall system design, hardware and software by the end of each module. The research has led to the discovery that the software and hardware designing is justified, the anti-disturbance competence is powerful and the real-time capability is satisfactory and by extension and upgrade, this system c



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