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试卷生成系统的设计与开发 摘 要 随着社会的发展和教育制度的改革,在现代教学领域中,各个学科的信息量越来越大,导致用于考核学生学习效果的试卷生成工作的复杂性也越来越大,传统已经越来越不能适应现代教育模式的需要。因此,为了减轻教师的工作负担、提高工作效率,同时使生成的试卷更加公正、客观地评价学生的学习效果,有必要开发一个适合教师需求的高效率的试卷生成系统。 本系统使用 jsp+JavaBean+servlet技术实现MVC三层结构设计,并结合SQL Server 2008 数据库设计开发的一个基于B/S架构的试卷生成系统 关键词:B/S架构 试卷生成 jsp JavaBean servlet The Design And Development of Exam Paper Generation System ABSTRACT With the development of society and the innovation of education system, in contemporary education areas, there is an appearance of having more and more information in series of subjects and difficulty in design for testing. These make the conventional method of test paper making system not being suit for contemporary testing model. So, in order to relief the teachers’ work bear, improve work efficiency, and make test paper appraise students’ study impression equitably and objectively, it is necessary to develop a Exam Paper Generation System with the property of being suit for teachers’ requires and high efficiency. The Exam Paper System developed in this paper includes modules as follows: papers management, information query, system management and help information. Among them, papers management includes making papers by hand, questions maintenance, and logging out. The module of information query includes papers query and questions query. System management includes users’ management and password amending. The system uses three MVC jsp+JavaBean+servlet design technology, developed by a SQL Server 2008 database design based on B / S structure of the Papers Generation System. Key words:B/SPapers Generation jsp JavaBean servlet 目 录 试卷生成系统的设计与开发 I 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 1 前 言 1 1.1项目背景 1 1.2 项目开发意义和目的 1 1.3技术路线 1 1.3.1 WWW架构 1 1.3.2 Web应用程序 2 1.3.3 B/S(Browser/Server)结构 3 2 需求分析 4 2.1 目标系统要求 4 2.2 系统运行环境 4 2.3 系统开发工具 4 2.4 系统的性能要求 5 2.5 系统的功能要求 5 2.6 系统基本业务流程 5 2.7 系统用例图 6 2.8 系统类图 7 2.9 系统时序图 8 2.9.1录入试题时序图 8 2.9.2 修改试题时序图 9 2.9.3 删除试题时序图 10 2.9.4 生成试卷时序图 11 2.10 详细功能分析 12 2.10.1 管理员登录 12 2.10.2 录入试题 13 2.10


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