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河南工程学院毕业设计(论文) 基于EDA技术下的数字频率计的设计 学生姓名 晓 系 ( 部) 电 子 信 息 工 程 系 系 专 业 应 用 电 子 技 术 指导教师 2008年 04月 20 日 Abstract The traditional design approach to designing digital frequency dollars, only to have a fixed function of the same components as Da Jimu to design, the use of such components more, but a complex circuit in kind. The paper is the use of modern electronic technology in the top-down design. With EDA software developed by Altera MAX + PLUS 2 design software to achieve digital frequency counter the main circuit and limiting plastic circuit, time-base circuit, the decoding of digital circuits, power and other circuit design. The use of EDA tools to design, you can not change the hardware circuit on the basis of improving the system, can further improve system performance. As EDA design technology is through the use of computers and programmable logic devices, and other conditions under which the high-end design, it has gradually become the mainstream of the electronic system designers. This paper is a direct digital frequency counter with decimal figures to show that the measured frequency signal a measuring device. It not only can measure the sine wave, square, triangular wave, a sharp pulse and other characteristics of a cycle of the frequency signal, but can also measure their cycle. Therefore, every step of the design are relatively simple intuitive, especially from the principle of input and language input in that way. As the circuit by EWB test simulation software, as evidenced by EDA technologies to design digital frequency counter is a digital design system in a more satisfactory. EDA design technology used because the number of frequency of a high-speed, accurate, reliable and strong anti-interference and field-programmable advantages. Therefore, this paper through the EDA design software for the design of digital frequency counter



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