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基于web的城市火灾隐患举报系统 作者: 指导老师: 摘要 就目前而言,火灾已经成为威胁城市居民生命与财产安全的最大杀手。城市消防部门除了在火灾发生后采取有效措施灭火、尽量减少损失之外,更应该防患于未然。因此开发一种针对于市民的火灾隐患举报系统就非常重要,让整个城市的市民都参与到火灾隐患的发现过程之中。 此系统建立了一个普通市民和消防部门的交流平台,市民通过该系统举报火灾隐患,并详细描述火灾隐患的内容、等级、地点等详细信息;管理者用来接收并整理信息,并且及时报告给消防员,使消防员在第一时间将隐患排除。在国外,一些发达国家的城市已经陆续采用了这种系统,通过全体市民共同发现参与,是火灾隐患显露无遗,而后由消防部门及时消除,非常有效的降低了火灾的发生频率。但在国内,这种系统基本还未被使用。 此系统主要利用JSP动态网站设计技术和数据库系统开发技术,按照当代软件工程基本原理来实现,主要由管理员模块和用户模块两部分组成。管理员模块用来实现对火灾隐患信息的处理,包括查看,检索,删除等;用户模块则是用户与此系统的交互,包括注册,登陆,上传信息等。 近年来,随着经济进一步发展,城市人口集中,建筑密集,火灾一旦发生,后果将十分严重。通过大规模的走访调查,城市居民对此类系统普遍表示欢迎。并且根据国外一些发达城市的经验,开发此类软件对于预防火灾发生确实具有非常重大的意义。 关键字:web,城市火灾隐患,JSP动态网站,数据库系统开发,软件工程基本原理 Web-based reporting module of urban fire hazards Author: Yang Wang Tutor: Jian Kang Abstract For now, fire has become a threat to life and property safety of urban residents in the biggest killer. The city fire department in addition to after the fire fighting to take effective measures to minimize losses, should be nip in the bud.The development of a fire hazards for the public reporting system is very important ,so that the whole city of people are involved in the discovery process of the potential of fire. This allows the fire department is informed the potential of fire in time, then quickly eliminate hidden dangers, and thus to prevent fires. This system created a platform for the common public and fire departments.Members of the public report fire hazards through the system, such as a detailed fire hazards description of the contents, level, location and other details. Managers receive and collate information, and shall report to the firefighters, so firefighters will exclude hidden for the first time. In other countries, some cities of developed countries have gradually adopted this system. Through the participation of all citizens, the potential of fire discover


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