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(最全版)新视野大学?英语视听说?教程第二版?4答案+单元测试 Unit 1 enjoy? your feeli?ngs! II C B D A D??????????????? l? Liste?ning In Task 1?? what a clums?y man! ????? Keys:? A C D C B Task 2?? cause?s of depre?ssion????? ????? Keys: (1)famil?ies (2)chemi?cals (3)infor?matio?n (4) certa?in sympt?oms (5)self-estee?m(6)think?ing patte?rns (7)mood (8)divor?ce (9)physi?cal abuse? (10)finan?cial diffi?culti?es (11)stres?s (12)anxie?ty Task 3 happi?ness index? Keys:? B D A A C l? Let’s Talk ??? Keys: (1) shy (2) cryin?g (3)scare?d (4) came down (5) fun (6) nice (7) two step (8) argue? (9) touch? (10) bad time (11) speak? (12) comfo?rtabl?e (13) broth?er (14) adult?s (15) child?ren (16) secon?dary (17) growi?ng? (18) learn? l? Furth?er Liste?ning and Speak?ing Task 1: Big John is comin?g! ?(S1) owner? (S2) runni?ng (S3) drop ?(S4) run (S5) local? ?(S6) yelli?ng, ?(S7) lives?!” (S8) As he was picki?ng himse?lf up, he saw a large? man, almos?t seven? feet tall (S9) The barte?nder nervo?usly hande?d the big man a beer, hands? shaki?ng ?(S10) I got to get out of town! Didnt you hear Big John is comin?g Task 2? Reaso?n and emoti?on ????? Key :? A B C C D Task 3 Every? cloud? has a silve?r linin?g ????? Key :? T F F T F l? Viewi?ng and speak?ing ?? Key : (1) Seven?/7 (2) 150 (3) favou?rite (4) bridg?e (5) 111 (6) fast (7) Simpl?e (8) trust?ed (9) stupi?d? (10) did (11) No way (12) ultim?ate (13) limit?s (14) skywa?rds (15) £60 (16)cheap? ?Unit 1 test 窗体顶端 Part I ????Scrip?t Direc?tions?: Liste?n to the short? dialo?gs, and then choos?e the corre?ct answe?rs to the quest?ions. You will hear the recor?ding twice?. After? the first? playi?ng, there? will be time for you to choos?e the corre?ct answe?rs. Use the secon?d playi?ng to check? your answe?rs. 1. (Liste?n to the audio? recor?ding for the quest?ion.) ? A. He has learn?ed to make sound?s like a cat. ? B. He found? food for the woman?s cat. C. He has becom?e team capta?in. ? D. He has attra?cted the woman?s atten?tion. ? 2. (Liste?n to the


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