话题精选及佳作选评希望工程(Topic selection and selected works review Hope Project).docVIP

话题精选及佳作选评希望工程(Topic selection and selected works review Hope Project).doc

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话题精选及佳作选评希望工程(Topic selection and selected works review Hope Project).doc

话题精选及佳作选评(2)希望工程(Topic selection and selected works review (2) Hope Project) Topic selection and selected works review (2) Hope Project Two. Hope Project Topic selection Read the following materials. Writing according to requirements In a Project Hope charity gala, presenters spoke some exciting words: The hope project to save millions of children is the cross century infrastructure of the Chinese nation and the cause of the future. The lost children are like the precious loess lost in the Yellow River. Every piece of land can grow a big tree. Lets all give our love, dont let the soil and water run away. Let every child have the opportunity to grow. However, a strange phenomenon is: most of the children out of school are in the countryside. Their families are often poor and populous, the poorer the more, the poorer they are, and their parents education is also very low.. Please write an article on the topic of Hope Project. Requirements: (1) self definition; (2) style selection; (3) Title Preparation; (4) no less than 800 words. Topic analysis Hope Project should focus on Hope. That is to say, the author should provide us with a Hope road. This way of hope can be a point of view; it can be a story. Through this story, let us have a sense of it; we can express feelings directly. Can write argumentative essays, narrative, lyrical prose and so on. At the same time, the project hope this problem is the students often encounter the topic, we can talk about it and perhaps not each one airs his own views, what difficulties. A masterpiece The way out of the hope project Huangqingshu In recent years, under the joint efforts of the whole nation, a desired school has been built up, and the hope project has made great progress, and more and more poor students have been helped. However, the social school children seem to have not reduced, the streets and alleys of the village can always see the way they come and go. This can not help but ask a deep query: why is this? From the p


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