大型节事的市场化运作管理(Market operation management of large-scale events).docVIP

大型节事的市场化运作管理(Market operation management of large-scale events).doc

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大型节事的市场化运作管理(Market operation management of large-scale events).doc

大型节事的市场化运作管理(Market operation management of large-scale events) Market operation management of large-scale events Have a city name card reputation of the large festival because of its resource integration and amplification effect inside and outside the industry chain extension effect, optimization of industry convergence can form a new form of the current hot transformation and Upgrading -- Based on modern service industry, more and more local governments at all levels of our attention, especially well-known at home and abroad the festivals success, it is positive it can not only enrich the cultural life of the local residents in a short period of time, greatly enhance the local visibility, but also can promote the development of local tourism industry, promote the development of catering and accommodation industry, transportation industry, entertainment industry and other related industries, optimizing industrial structure, social the economic, culture, the festival held the positive and far-reaching impact. However, in the performance driven and blindly, the pursuit of economic interests of the situation, China type Festival blossom everywhere, many local governments spend huge sums of money, or founded continued to do large-scale activities, the results are often counterproductive, ineffective or even losses. According to professional research institutions, more than 95% of our local people said there is no close contact with the festival of the statistics, exposed the so-called have fun with the citizens and popular festival hidden behind the festival -- for whom? How to form the ecological cycle of public participation, tourist praise, enterprise profits and government benefit has become a bottleneck problem faced by local governments at all levels, and the choice of operation mode is particularly important. I. market operation mode in line with Chinas national conditions At present China large festivals organization has the culture of the stage, singing and tr


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