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* 人体大脑的皮质细胞具有高度的反应性和复杂的功能活动,它需要丰富的营养,但本身又缺乏储备营养物质的能力,所以特别脆弱。而睡眠能保护大脑皮质的神经细胞,维护皮质这种高度分化的组织功能,有利于防止遭受严重的损伤。 * 要有目标和追求 保持足够的自信心 经常保持微笑 保持童心 不要财迷心窍 保持合作、团队精神 宽恕他人 乐于助人 有几个知心朋友 保持幽默感 具备非凡胆识和勇气 要能处乱不惊 诸位在校: 第一,到浙大来做什么? 第二,将来毕业后做什么样的人? 竺可桢校长 Question ? 邮箱:wen9hua@163.com 谢 谢 * 注:脑瘤可以治愈。 * * 注:脑瘤可以治愈。 * * 注:脑瘤可以治愈。 * * 注:脑瘤可以治愈。 * * 注:脑瘤可以治愈。 * * 注:脑瘤可以治愈。 * * 注:脑瘤可以治愈。 * * * 动脉粥样硬化可侵犯全身各个系统,特别是心脏、大脑和肾脏。 脑动脉硬化可引起脑梗塞或脑出血。 冠状动脉硬化可引起心绞痛、心肌梗死或缺血性心肌病。 肾动脉硬化可引起高血压和肾功能衰竭。 髂动脉、股动脉或小腿动脉硬化可引起下肢供血不全或脚趾坏疽。 * casualty * * * * 参考答案:个人“控盐” 没必要也没办法弄得太机械。世界卫生组织把日荐摄盐量降低1克主要还是为了向人们传达一个限盐和低钠饮食的理念。在短期之内,让人们每日摄盐限制在5克以内不太现实,但至少大家应该有这个意识,去无限地接近这个目标。 * * Smoking Affects the Entire Body The list of diseases and ill effects caused by smoking continues to expand as researchers learn more about the ways in which smoking devastates the body. Overall, smoking causes 17 % of all deaths [WHO 1997] 30% of all cancer deaths 87% of lung cancer 66% COPD deaths 13%vascular diseases According to the Worldbank, smoking related healthcare accounts for 6% to 15 % of all annual healthcare costs. The list of diseases and ill effects caused by smoking continues to expand as researchers learn more about the ways in which smoking devastates the body. [Surgeon General 2004 exec summ 2B,38AC, 8AB] American Thoracic Society, 2005. US Department of Health and Human Services. The Health Consequences of Smoking: A Report of the Surgeon General. US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health, 2004. Available at: /tobacco/sgr/sgr_2004/chapters.htm. Accessed July 23, 2005. Smoking is associated with many diseases including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and respiratory disease Smoking is associated with a decline in lung and kidney function, low HDL cholesterol, insulin resistance, cataracts, impotence, accelerated aging an


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