法语常用口语(Colloquial French).doc

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法语常用口语(Colloquial French).doc

法语常用口语(Colloquial French) What the French say every day 1.Salutation salutes and greets Comment? A VA? How are you? A ne peut PAS aller mieux. is incredible A boume? Have you been enjoying yourself lately? Quoi de Neuf? How are you recently? Alors, tes Toujours vivant? Wow, are you still alive? A roule? Go ahead Ya pire., and worse Comme Si comme? A. is pretty much the same Couci-cou? A. just so so Je suis dans la merde. is awful Jai UN trun qui me turlupine. something is bothering me A VA PAS fort. is not very smooth PAS super. isnt very good Bof. dont bother 2.Au revoir bye bye A tout de suite.. A tout lheure., see you later A plus tard. to meet A UN de CES jours., see you another day The a la prochaine.. A bient? T see you around! Adieu. farewell JE Men vais., Im leaving Bon, jy vais. all right, Im leaving Allez, JE vous laisse. all right, Im leaving IL faut que JE parte. Ive got to go On se t l phone to call it! A tant? T., see you this afternoon Ciao. bye bye (originally Italian) IL faut que JE file. I gotta go IL faut que JE me sauve. Ive got to slip away Je me casse., I have to withdraw Je te FAIS signe., Ill get back to you 3.Remerciement thanks Merci infiniment. thank you very much Merci Mille fois. thank you very much Merci bien. thank you very much Cest gentil., thats great Cest sympa., thats great Je suis gat (E) I was overwhelmed by an unexpected favour. A ne se fait PAS Chez nous. is out of fashion in our place IL ne fallait pas. do not deserve (other gifts) Tu naurais PAS D? You shouldnt be so polite When someone says thank you, you should answer it: Cest la moindre des choses. but this trifle Je suis, votre disposition. at your service A votre service., Id like to be of service to you PAS Du tout., not at all Pas de quoi. doesnt matter De rien. is nothing CE nest rien. is nothing JE Ten prie. please dont mention it 4.Sexcuser apology Je suis navr (E) Im sorry. Je ne lai PAS fait expr s. I do not mean it. CE nest pas de TA faute., its not your fault A



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