神话故事人物战力排行榜(种)( ranks of mythological figures).doc

神话故事人物战力排行榜(种)( ranks of mythological figures).doc

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神话故事人物战力排行榜(种)( ranks of mythological figures).doc

神话故事人物战力排行榜(3种)(3 ranks of mythological figures) Congenital respect for god: Primus, Lingbao Tianzun, morals, the Jade Emperor, Taiyi Zhenren, three officials (day, water), four Royal soil emperor, Queen Mother of the west, Lei Zu. Congenital God - Primus 元始天尊的由来:元始天尊是道教最高神灵「三清」尊神之一,生于太无之先,禀自然之气,初称元始天王.东晋葛洪的《枕中书》称,「昔二仪未分,溟滓鸿蒙,未有成形.天地日月未具,状如鸡子,混沌玄黄.已有盘古真人,天地之精,自号元始天王,游乎其中」.元始天王,开天辟地,治世成功以后,蜕去躯壳,一灵不昧,***空中,见圣女太元,喜其贞洁,即化成青光投入其口.圣女怀孕十二年,始化生于背膂之间,言语行动常有彩云护体.因其前身是盘古,元始天王,就称为元始天尊.《历世神仙体道通鉴》称,「元者,本也;始者,初也,先天之气也.此气化为开辟世界之人,即为盘古;化为主持天界之祖, Is the first. The highest ranking day: Qi Liang high Tao Hongjing scheduled true spirit of industry said the gods reside Yuqing three Palace, Primus in the first place in the thirty-six days of jade Cingjing, Primus in the days of the most high, namely thirty-five the heavens. Yuqing territory, Ziyun Pavilion, Bixia City. The fairies on time for jade Cingjing to worship the emperor of heaven. A secret passage of Xian: Sui Shu Jing Ji Zhi said Primus to the Buddha body, remain immortal, each to the world beginning, which is delegated to the tunnels. The degree of human disaster is the top grade fairy, a retired father-in-law, Huang Lao, innocent people, the five party and the Emperor Xian officer. Worship: Taoist temple . three mostly with Primus often with handheld Hunyuan pearl like living in a hall. The large statue in the Taoist praying etiquette, also has more than three tablets or gods are also as Primus. Primuss God gave birth to the day of a month is the beginning of the folk. Also during the winter solstice honors Primus. Congenital God - Lingbao Tianzun 灵宝天尊的由来:灵宝天尊是道教最高神灵「三清」尊神之一,原称上清高圣太上玉晨元皇大道君.齐梁高道陶弘景编定的《真灵位业图》列其在第二神阶之中位,仅次于第一神阶中位之元始天尊.唐代时曾称为太上大道君,宋代起才称为灵宝天尊或灵宝君.据《云笈七签》引《洞真大洞真经》,灵宝??尊系「玉晨之精气,九庆之紫烟,玉晖焕耀,金映流真,结化含秀,苞凝元神,寄胎母氏,育形为人」.《灵宝略记》则称「太上大道君以开皇元年托胎于西方绿那玉国,寄孕于洪氏之胞,凝神琼胎之府三千七百年,降诞于其国郁察山浮罗之岳丹玄之阿侧,名曰器度,字上开元.及其长,乃启悟道 Really, heart high road, sitting on the dry mulberry, Jing Si hundred days and Primus declined, granted ten of Lingbao



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