中国的医学人文教育北京大学医学部的新尝试张大庆杨海燕(英文版) ppt课件.ppt

中国的医学人文教育北京大学医学部的新尝试张大庆杨海燕(英文版) ppt课件.ppt

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中国的医学人文教育北京大学医学部的新尝试张大庆杨海燕(英文版) ppt课件

Medical Humanities Education in China: PUHSC’s New Experiment Zhang Daqing Institute for Medical Humanities Peking University Challenges to Chinese medical education High-technology medical raises compelling social, ethical and legal issues; China’s health care system needs urgent reform; market failure and government’s dereliction of duty insufficient emphasis on the purpose and value of medicine The old-fashioned medical curriculum is more and more unsatisfying. Medical humanities education aims at helping medical students to tackle those challenges and to appreciate the human value of medicine. HISTORICAL RETROSPECT History of Medicine The first medical humanities course in China; As early as 1946, the History of Medicine was taught in the Medical School of Peking University (北京大学医学院). Li Lao’s paper on “Medical Ethics in Ancient China” published in the Bulletin of the History of Medicine is the first article introducing the Chinese medical ethics to the West. The story on the paper: Peiping was in territory occupied by the Japanese CMB and Henry Sigerist Miss Agnes M. Pearce March 4, 1942 China Medical Board, Inc. 49 West 49th Street New York City Dear Miss Pearce: Dr. T’ao Lee’s manuscript, “Medical Ethics in Ancient China” , is very interesting indeed and I shall be glad to publish it in the Bulletin of the History of Medicine. I will send the galley proofs to you as Dr. T’ao Lee requests. Yours very sincerely, Henry E. Sigerist Dialectics of Nature Introduced from the Soviet Union in 1950s; Dialectics of Medicine, the first textbook, was written by Professor Peng Ruicong, Beijing Medical University (北京医科大学); The Philosophy of Medicine, Medical Sociology and STS, with increasing academic independency. Medical Ethics The first teaching section of Medical Ethics was founded in Beijing Medical University (


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