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Lessons GHE offers potential benefits to local government officials and to primary and secondary health care providers These should be actively promoted in dissemination 性别健康公平项目对地方政府官员以及基本卫生保健和更高一级的卫生保健提供者带来了潜在的利益 这些应在传播中积极倡导 Findings The risks to sustainability from rapid turnover of leadership and economic stress in local health services has been starkly illustrated 频繁的领导人员更替及地方卫生服务的经济压力对可持续发展带来的风险已明显的显现出来 Lesson Sustainability needs continuing support and the interest of officials together with effective HP materials 可持续发展需要连续的支持、官员的关注以及有效的健康促进材料 Summary The projects show that GHE can be effectively advanced in remote rural China Local government leaders’ commitment is needed to implement and sustain change 项目揭示了在中国边远农村地区,社会性别与卫生公平性问题能够被有效地改进 创造和持续改变需要地方政府领导的承诺 Summary Communities’ traditional methods of communication and knowledge sharing are effective and should be used 社会传统的沟通和分享知识的方式是有效的,应该加以利用 Summary Women like the benefits that GHE brings Shared knowledge Open discussion Less family tension Better health status Greater confidence 妇女们欢迎性别卫生公平带来的益处 共享知识 开放讨论 减轻家庭紧张 更好的健康状况 更大的自信 Summary Primary health workers need training in GHE and RTI management Village doctors – especially women doctors – can be powerful agents of change 初级卫生保健工作者需要接受性别卫生公平及生殖道感染管理的培训 村医—特别是女村医—可以作为强大的变革推动者 Summary GHE is more likely to be effectively disseminated in poor rural areas when local government leaders give personal commitment and/or when it is required by higher levels. 在得到地方政府官员私人承诺和/或更高级别领导要求时,性别健康公平才更有可能在贫困的农村地区有效的传播 China Gender Health Equity Projects: Luoping and Zhenning Summary of Evaluation Findings and Key Lessons Learned 评估总结和主要的经验教训 Chris Scarf Dissemination Meeting November 2008 Findings Both projects met their goals. Substantially Make health services more responsive to women’s needs Partially Viable model of gender and local governance to improve accountability of local health officials and health workers 两个项目都达到了预期的目的。 大体上 使卫生服务更顺应妇


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