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Module 5 Great People and Great Invention of Ancient China 教学设计说明 话题介绍 本模块主题是”Great People and Great Invention of Ancient China”,介绍了中国古代哲人孔子、孟子和墨子的生平及其思想主旨。 大思想家、大教育家孔子 孔子(公元前551年──公元前479年),名丘,字仲尼,鲁国人。 孟子(约公元前372~公元前289),名轲,邹(今山东邹县)人。战国时期伟大的思想家,儒家的主要代表之一。 墨子,姓墨,名翟,鲁国人,后代习惯上尊称为墨子。大约生活在公元前468年至388年间。 Period 1 Reading INTRODUCTION Vocabulary and speaking 和READING AND VOCABULARY合并为第一课时”阅读课。”课文”Philosophers of Ancient China”前两篇属说明文体,介绍了中国古代哲人孔子、孟子和墨子的生平及其思想主旨。 Period 2 Grammar 课本43和47页合并为第二课时”语法课”,学习Relative clauses: of whom, in which。 Period 3 FUNCTION 课本27页为”功能课”,学习如何Giving reasons。 Period 4 Speaking 课本46页”Speaking”为 “口语课”,学习how to Discuss the importance of invention。 Period 5 Writing 课本47页是”写作课”,阅读有关”advantages and disadvantages”方面的文章,然后学习写作The advantages and disadvantages of television。 Period 6 CULTURAL CORNER 课本49页的CULTURE CORNER 是”文化阅读课”,The Industrial Revolution,介绍了工业革命,又称产业革命。工业革命指资本主义工业化的早期历程,即资本主义生产完成了从工场手工业向机器大工业过渡的阶段。是以机器取代人力,以大规模工厂化生产取代个体工场手工生产的一场生产与科技革命。 Period 7 TASK 课本50页的TASK 是”任务课”,学习用英文Writing about a famous person from ancient China。 Part One Teaching Design 第一部分 教学设计 Period 1 Reading—Philosophers of Ancient China ■Goals ●To learn to read passages with defining relative clauses about Philosophers of Ancient China To learn to read with strategies ■Procedures Step 1: Warming up by defining philosopher A philosopher is a person devoted to studying and producing results in philosophy. The word, “philosopher,” literally means “lover of wisdom.” Warming up by discussing some philosophical sentences from the Analects of Confucius 子曰:“学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?” The Master said: “Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance ([??????????????] 坚定不移[????????????] 心乱, 狼狈, 不安” The Master said: “If a man keeps cherishing ([???????]怀念;怀有(感情);抱有(希望) his old knowledge, so as continually to be acquiring new, he may be a teacher of others.” 知之为知之,不知为不知。 When you know a thing, to hold that you know it; and when you do not know a thi


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