本杰明·巴顿奇事 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button中英对照台词剧本.docx

本杰明·巴顿奇事 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button中英对照台词剧本.docx

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本杰明·巴顿奇事 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button中英对照台词剧本.docx

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 2008本杰明·巴顿奇事…and Ill tell you what, the storm systems still moving west.…大家注意 暴风仍在向西移动What are you looking at, Caroline?在看什么呢 卡罗琳?The wind, Mom.看风 妈妈They say the hurricane is coming.他们说飓风要来了Im on a boat.我感觉像在一艘船上Im drifting.漂浮着Can I do anything for you, Mom?我可以做什么吗 妈妈?Make anything easier?让你舒服点?Oh, sugar…哦 宝贝…Theres nothing left to do.没什么可做的Is what it is.就这样吧Finding it harder to keep my eyes open.我越来越睁不开眼了My mouths full of cotton.嘴里像是塞满了棉花There, there, Miss Daisy.好了 好了 黛西女士You gonna scratch yourself to ribbons.你快把自己抓伤了Do you want any more medication, Mother?药还要吗 妈妈?Doctor said you could have as much as you want.医生说用多点没关系No need for anybody to suffer.这样大家都不会遭罪A friend told me that she never had the chance有个朋友说过 她甚至都没有机会to say goodbye to her mother.跟她母亲道别- I wanted to…- Its okay.- 我想… - 没事I wanted to tell you how much Im gonna miss you so…我想告诉你 我会非常想念你的…Mom.妈妈Oh, Caroline.哦 卡罗琳Are you afraid?你怕吗?Im curious.我很好奇What comes next?接下来会怎样?They built the train station in 1918.火车站建于1918年My father was there the day it opened.开站那天我父亲也去了He said they had他说那天还请了a tuba band playing.铜管乐队表演They had the finest clockmaker in all of the South还请来了整个南方最好的钟表匠to build that glorious clock.建了那座雄伟的大钟His name was…那人叫…Mr. Gateau.盖图先生Mr. Cake.蛋糕先生(盖图/Gateau在法语中是蛋糕之意)He was married to a Creole of Evangeline Parish他娶了伊文格琳县一个克里奥尔人(位于美国路易斯安那州中西部的一个县)(克里奥尔人- 美国路易斯安那州的法国人后裔)and they had a son.后来他们生了个儿子Mr. Gateau was, from birth, absolutely blind.盖图先生先天失明When their son was old enough, he joined the army.他们的儿子长大后就参了军And they prayed God would keep him out of harms way.他们向上帝祈祷 保佑他平安For months, he did nothing but work on that clock.好几个月 他除了建那钟 什么都没做One day,然后有一天a letter came.他们收到一封信And Mr. Gateau, done for the night,那天晚上工作完后went up, alone, to bed.盖图先生就独自去睡觉了And their son came home.然后他们的儿子回来了They buried him in the family plot,他们把他埋在家族墓地里where he would be with them when their time came.等他们死后 一家就能团聚了Mr. Cake worked on his clock,蛋糕先生继续建造那座钟laboring to finish.耗尽心血 终于完工It was a


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