职场新人变老手八大绝企业招(Recruit new employees).docVIP

职场新人变老手八大绝企业招(Recruit new employees).doc

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职场新人变老手八大绝企业招(Recruit new employees).doc

职场新人变老手八大绝企业招(Recruit new employees) Its bound to delay events. ?? Secondly, be loyal. Loyalty means loyalty to the organization and loyalty to the profession. When we choose an organization as the starting point of our career, we have to work hard and create value for the organization in this day. But loyalty is not one, but a period in the organization of office, to maintain the loyalty to the organization. ?? Third, respect others. Respect other peoples lifestyle and personal privacy in the company. In interpersonal communication, some sensitive topics can not be involved, such as personal privacy, relationship between colleagues, salary income, etc.. ?? Fourth, be responsible. If you want to be trusted, you should be a responsible person first. A mature professional should have a strong sense of responsibility to support and be responsible for his decisions and actions. Doing one job and doing ones own job, since choosing the profession, should have a strong sense of responsibility. A job just for a few days, think not interested, or bad treatment, and then job hopping, which is irresponsible behavior. ? fifth, but also to cultivate positive attitude: 1. learn to praise others. Everyone wants to be appreciated by others. Mostly ? some people work harder because of praise in some way. 2. learn to smile. Smiling is a pleasant expression that helps you build good relationships. ?? Sixth. Follow the rules and regulations. Any enterprise has its own set of practical management system, whether you like it or not, as a new person, to abide by the system is the least professional ethics. After entering the industry, we should first learn the staff code, familiar with the corporate culture, in order to exercise their responsibilities within the scope of the system, to play their best. ? seventh, professional experts and psychological consultants Han Sanqi believe that college students into the workplace, to do a good job orientation. Do the occupation orientation, should


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