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毕业论文(设计)课题名称亚邦物流配送路径优化研究 课题类型□ 毕业设计 □√ 毕业论文二级院系专业班级学 号姓 名指导老师2018年 5月 8日摘 要随着经济的飞速发展带动了物流业的快速发展,但是物流成本却一直居高不下。因此,在物流成本中占很大比重的配送成本日益受到重视。物流配送是物流中的一个重要环节,因此对物流配送路径的优化有着重要的意义。本文首先在国内外文献梳理的基础上,从亚邦物流公司的配送业务构成,家电配送模式,配送网络布局,配送信息系统和车辆调度等方面现状进行了研究分析。发现其存在的配送路径不合理,配送成本高和满载率低等问题。其次利用了节约里程法构建VRP模型对其配送路线进行了优化。经过效益分析,证明经过优化后的配送里程数缩短了380.47km,节约燃油136.96升。本次优化提高了亚邦物流的公司对九个分部物流区域的配送效益,降低了公司的物流成本。期望本文的研究可以对亚邦物流公司配送物流的选择具有良好的借鉴意义。关键字:亚邦物流 路径优化 节约里程法 AbstractWith the rapid development of economy, the logistics industry has developed rapidly, but the cost of logistics has remained high. Therefore, distribution cost, which accounts for a large proportion of logistics cost, is attracting more and more attention. Logistics distribution is an important part of logistics, so the optimization of logistics distribution route is of great significance.On the basis of the literature at home and abroad, this paper analyzes the status of distribution business, distribution pattern of home appliance, distribution network layout, distribution information system and vehicle scheduling. It is found that the distribution route is unreasonable, the distribution cost is high and the load ratio is low. Secondly, we use the saving mileage method to build the VRP model to optimize the delivery route. After benefit analysis, it is proved that the optimized mileage is shortened by 380.47km and the fuel consumption is 136.96 litres. This optimization improves the distribution efficiency of the companys logistics to nine sub logistics areas, and reduces the logistics cost of the company.It is hoped that this study can provide a good reference for the selection of distribution logistics of the company..Keywords: Asian logistics Path optimization Economize the mileage method目 录摘要IAbstractII1 绪论11.1 选题背景及意义11.1.1 选题背景11.1.2 选题意义11.2 国内外研究现状21.2.1 国内研究现状21.2.2 国外研究现状3 1.2.3 国内外研究现状概述41.3 研究内容和方法41.3.1 研究内容41.3.2 研究方法51.3.3 技术路线52 亚邦物流家电配送现状与问题72.1 亚邦物流公司简介72.2 亚邦物流公司配送现状72.2.1 亚邦物流公司配送业务构成72.2.2 亚邦物流公司家电配送网络
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