公诉实践视野下被告人举证责任分析-analysis of defendants burden of proof from the perspective of public prosecution practice.docx

公诉实践视野下被告人举证责任分析-analysis of defendants burden of proof from the perspective of public prosecution practice.docx

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公诉实践视野下被告人举证责任分析-analysis of defendants burden of proof from the perspective of public prosecution practice

内容摘要我国对刑事被告人举证责任研究尚处于初期阶段,刑事法律对此规定不很完善,法 学理论界争议也很大。但随着我国经济的高速发展,各类新型犯罪案件不断增多,对这 类案件如若依然坚持由公诉机关负完全举证责任的原则,事必事倍功半,既无效率也无 效益。但如若让被告人承担一定的举证责任又无章可循,最后往往因为公诉机关举证不 能而使被告人逍遥法外,给及时、有效地查明案件事实,控制犯罪,保障人权带来不利 的影响。因此,在特殊情况下让被告人承担一定的举证责任,是惩罚犯罪、保障人权的 需要,也顺应了国际发展趋势。笔者认为参照他国关于刑事被告人举证责任的立法和司 法判例,制定出符合我国国情的刑事被告人举证责任的司法制度是非常必要的,也是切 实可行的。本文共分四个部分。第一部分笔者对本文中研究的举证责任的概念进行了选择、理 清,对被告人承担举证责任的范围进行了大致的规划,并提出被告人承担举证责任是有 条件及受到限制的。第二部分笔者用比较法的方法考察了域外包括英美法系主要国家、大陆法系主要国 家及日本关于刑事被告人举证责任的立法及司法实践,认为由刑事被告人承担一定的举 证责任是世界通行的做法,域外许多国家和地区有许多成果可以借鉴,我国也可根据本 国国情将该制度进行完善。第三部分对我国刑事法律对被告人举证责任的规定进行了梳理,并简明扼要地指出 我国刑事法律对被告人举证责任规定的现状对司法实践有一定的负面影响,不利于及 时、有效地打击犯罪,维护社会稳定。第四部分是本文的重点部分。笔者先阐述了我国被告人举证责任的必要性、可能性, 然后结合公诉工作实践从刑事证据方面对我国刑事被告人举证责任制度提出了完善建 议。关键词:刑事被告人;公诉;举证责任AbstractThe study over the burden of proofs by the accused is still in the primary stage which exhibited that the not well-developed rules and the great disputes in the legal academia in China. But with the rapid development of Chinese economics, a great several of new crimes are increasing which the burden of proofs by the prosecutions in these new types of crimes would be no effect and no efficient too. However, there is no certain rules that the burden of proofs by the accused which cased the results of non-prosecution by the disabilities of these proofs by the prosecutions at last, which brought the bad effects upon the investigation and hearing effectively and the crimes-control even the human rights safeguard. Therefore, on some particular situation, the accused should have some burden of proofs which could meet the demands of the punishment and the protection of right and the trend of the international development. So the author believes that it is necessary to rule out the legal system of the burden of proofs by the accused according to the current national situation and comparing with the other countries’ relative regulations.The whole text is divided into four parts. Part One is the classifications of the concept of the burden of proofs by the accused



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