国家教育考试中公民受教育权保障探究研究-research on the protection of citizens right to education in national education examination.docx

国家教育考试中公民受教育权保障探究研究-research on the protection of citizens right to education in national education examination.docx

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国家教育考试中公民受教育权保障探究研究-research on the protection of citizens right to education in national education examination

内容摘要受教育权是公民享有的一项基本权利,可谓是学界研究的热点。近年来对受教育权 研究从最初的权利性质、权利救济等宏观视角的研究,再到现在对留守儿童的受教育权、 弱势群体的受教育权、罪犯的受教育权等微观视角的研究,然而对国家教育考试中的公 民受教育权的研究屈指可数。就我国现有的教育体制而言,国家教育考试却是与公民享 有受教育权紧密相连的一个环节,研究和探析国家教育考试中的公民受教育权一方面可 以为受教育权的研究提供一个崭新的视角,尽自己所能为受教育权的理论研究添砖加 瓦;另外一方面还可以使得公民深刻认识、深入了解在国家教育考试中所享有的权利, 进而更好地保障公民的受教育权。就本文结构而言,全文总共分为五个部分。第一部分首先从基础理论入手,深入探 讨国家教育考试中公民受教育权的显要特征,为后文的论述做好理论上的铺垫;第二部 分从公民自身发展、社会秩序稳定以及国家教育考试制度运行三方面来论证保障国家教 育考试中公民受教育权的必要性,为本文的研究寻求理论依据;第三部分则是以高等学 校招生考试、研究生招生考试在运行中出现的典型事例为切入点具体分析在国家教育考 试的命题阶段、施测阶段和评卷阶段中保障公民受教育权所面临的一系列困境,为公民 在国家教育考试中的受教育权保障提供现实依据;第四部分则是从规范层面、考试机构 设置层面、考试权运行层面以及公民权利意识层面来深入分析保障公民在国家教育考试 中受教育权所面临困境的原因,进而能够明白面临困境的症结所在;第五部分承接着第 四部分的成因分析,笔者试着提出与之相对应的保障公民在国家教育考试中受教育权的实 现路径。关键词国家教育考试;受教育权;必要性;困境;成因;实现路径1AbstractThe right to education is a fundamental right for citizens, it is described as a hot academic research. Recent studies on the nature and the relief of right to education right from the initial research in macro perspective, to the current research on the right of the children left behind, the vulnerable groups and other criminals from such as the micro perspective, however, the study on the right to education of citizens is handful in national education examination. For our existing education system, the link between national education examination and citizens enjoy the right to education is closely, Research and analyse the right of citizens to education in the national education examination, on the one hand, this can provide a new perspective to study and I can try my best to contribute to the theoretical study of the right to education; on the other hand we can also make in-depth understand of citizens the right to education in the national education examination, and thus better protect citizens right to education.For the structure of this paper, the text is divided into five parts in total. The first part starting from the basic theory, in-depth analysis prominent feature of citizens right to education in the national education examination, as a theoretic



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